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Background: Many adolescents grow-up with inadequate access to opportunities facing challenges and risks. This study focuses on recently migrant adolescent girls in India’s fast growing urban slum population for whom multiple vulnerabilities intersect, including gender, poverty and migrant...
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An estimated 94,000 children in Louisiana have a parent who is behind bars, with devastating effects on children and families. The entire family serves this sentence. Parental incarceration is a growing epidemic. Nationally, one in 28 children experiences parental incarceration today, compared...
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Termination of pregnancy (TOP) or feticide for severe fetal anomalies is ethically and morally challenging and maybe considered illegal in countries with restrictive abortion laws. While diagnostic modalities such as fetal ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and genetic screening have...
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This piece of work will set out to answer the question of what the ethical and legal limits for the protection of aggregated health records for the purposes of public health promotion should be. I will begin by clarifying what are meant by health records and look at their uses in a healthcare...
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Mental health is clearly an integral part of health. There is no health without mental health. It is the foundation of well-being and effective functioning for an individual and for a community. Mental health and mental illnesses are determined by the interaction of multiple social,...
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Knowledge has been defined as a major resource for development. Especially countries without natural resources have found this idea attractive and have embarked on development strategies to develop a knowledge-based economy. In doing so they may fall into a “knowledge trap”. The paper...
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The focus of the last two decades (1994–2015) on the world’s Indigenous peoples has highlighted a number of critical issues that are central to Indigenous empowerment and resurgence in the quest for decolonization. The key issues include Indigenous peoples’ full and effective participation...
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Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela's death on 5 December 2013 and his funeral ten days later were taken as an occasion in the global media to discuss the merits of political leadership for human security, with occasional comments on its pitfalls. This particular leader is not the most politically safe...
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While security of our<em> </em>hominid<em> </em>encampments and settlements must have been at or near the top of our species priorities since our evolution some several hundred thousand years ago, awareness of the magnitude of our alterations, interactions and impacts on our world is a very recent event. Even...
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