Showing 81 - 90 of 33,877
We study the dynamic utility indifference value process p(X) when the usefulness of X is evaluated via a dynamic monetary concave utility functional (DMCUF) instead of von Neumann/Morgenstern expected utility. A DMCUF is minus a dynamic convex risk measure. The key tools for our investigations...
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Equilibrium asset-pricing models with time-varying expected economic growth have been criticized for their apparent inability to generate an upward-sloping yield curve and downward-sloping term structures of equity risk and risk premium. We theoretically investigate the model-implied equilibrium...
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This paper describes a new methodology which allows banks to evaluate non-performing loans (NPL) using a risk-neutral approach. In more detail, it illustrates the methodological framework behind the definition of the risk-neutral expected loss used to estimate the loans fair value. The...
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We study the valuation of unit-linked life insurance contracts with surrender guarantees. Instead of solving an optimal stopping problem, we propose a more realistic approach accounting for policyholders’ rationality in exercising their surrender option. The valuation is conducted at the...
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Das Geschäft mit Derivaten und strukturierten Finanzprodukten ist verstärkter Kritik ausgesetzt. Ziel des Aufsatzes ist die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Thesen der Kritiker und der Rolle der Bank bei den genannten Geschäften.
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We measure credit risk premia---prices for bearing corporate default risk in excess of expected default losses---using Markit CDS and Moody's Analytics EDF data. We find dramatic variation over time in credit risk premia, with peaks in 2002, during the global financial crisis of 2008-09, and in...
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In this paper we consider the optimal stopping problem for general dynamic monetary utility functionals. Sufficient conditions for the Bellman principle and the existence of optimal stopping times are provided. Particular attention is payed to representations which allow for a numerical...
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This paper determines the value of asset tradeability in an option pricing framework. In our model, tradeability is valuable since it allows investors to exploit temporary mis-pricings of stocks. The model delivers several novel insights on the value of tradeability: The value of tradeability is...
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We study the valuation of unit-linked life insurance contracts with surrender guarantees. Instead of solving an optimal stopping problem, we propose a more realistic approach accounting for policyholders’ rationality in exercising their surrender option. The valuation is conducted at the...
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