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The pricing kernel puzzle is the observation that the pricing kernelmight be increasing in some range of the market returns. This paperanalyzes the pricing kernel in a nancial market equilibrium. If mar-kets are complete and investors are risk-averse and have common andtrue beliefs, the pricing...
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We derive nonparametric tests of symmetry using asymmetric kernels with either shrinkingor fixed bandwidths. We show how to extend the approach to examine conditional symmetry byderiving conditions under which our tests are applicable to residuals from semiparametric modelswith a (sufficiently...
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We provide a new method to derive the state price density per unit probabilitybased on option prices and GARCH model. We derive the risk neutraldistribution using the result in Breeden and Litzenberger (1978) and thehistorical density adapting the GARCH model of Barone-Adesi, Engle, andMancini...
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The standard model of currency crises is amended to distinguish betweenunemployment aversion and financial fragility. Fragility is assumed to affect theauthorities’ sensitivity to a combination of high real interest rates and unemployment.An increase in fragility expands the region of...
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The existence of a self-regulating arbitrage mechanism under the gold standard has been tradi-tionally considered as one of its main advantages, and attracted a corresponding research interest.This research is arguably relevant not only to test for the effciency of the gold points, but also...
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Monetary union in Germany as part of the reunification process required a conversion rate between the Deutschmark and the Mark, the currencies of West and East Germany respectively. Flows (in particular wages and pensions) were converted at a rate of 1:1, whilst there were different conversion...
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If we are to learn the right lessons from the tragedy ofNandigram, then we must ensure that the government is involvedin the land acquisition process and that we correctly deal withthree sets of issues: the size and form of compensation, theeligibility for compensation and the credibility of the...
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This paper provides bonus-malus systems which rest on different types ofclaims. Consistent estimators are given for some moments of the mixingdistribution of a multi equation Poisson model with random effects...
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Ein IFRS-Abschluss hat die Vermögens-, Finanz- und Ertragslage sowie die Cash-flows des Unternehmens den tatsächlichen Verhätnissen entsprechend wiederzugeben. Daher müssen IFRS - Bilanzierer Geschäftsvorfälle, sonstige Ereignisse und Bedingungen gemäß den im IASB-Rahmenkonzept...
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In a qualitative leadership study conducted in the German-speaking part of Switzerland thequest to be oneself i.e., to be authentic was found to be central for leadership. We will presentthe results in detail and highlight the difficulties leaders experience when trying to beauthentic in their...
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