Showing 101 - 110 of 357
Credit spreads and default policy are analyzed in a structural model. Agents have incomplete information about the company's EBIT process and observe it with time delays. When all agents observe the state variable with the same delay, it has a minor effect on credit spreads and default policy....
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High bank leverage is commonly considered a major threat to financial stability. We build a structural credit model to calculate the optimal leverage for a bank that provides asset backed loans, such as corporate loans and mortgages. The bank's assets are loans, which means that the bank's...
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This article integrates aspects of traditional insurance with advances in financial economics, yielding proper valuation and premium assessments of insurance benefits linked to various financial assets. Several new types of unit-linked life insurance contracts are discussed with substantial...
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The paper analyzes a barrier exchange option that is knocked out the first time the two underlying assets have identical market values. Under rather general conditions regarding the price processes for the underlying assets, probably the world's simplest option pricing formula is derived. It...
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We present a model for pricing credit risk protection for a limited liability non-life insurance company. The protection is typically provided by a guaranty fund. In the case of continuous monitoring, i.e., where the market values of the company's assets and liabilities are continuously...
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Banks and other financial institutions raise hybrid capital as part of their risk capital. Hybrid capital has no maturity, but, similarily to most corporate debt, includes an embedded issuer's call option. To obtain acceptance as risk capital, the first possible exercise date of the embedded...
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Performance-sensitive debt (PSD) contracts link a loan's interest rate to a measure of the borrower's credit relevant performance, e.g. if the borrower's debt to cash ow ratio deteriorates, the interest rate increases according to a predetermined schedule. We derive and empirically test a...
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