Showing 111 - 120 of 13,456
Cloud Computing is a topic that has gained momentum in the last years. Current studies show that anincreasing number of companies is evaluating the promised advantages and considering making use ofcloud services. In this paper we investigate the phenomenon of cloud computing and its importance...
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Der Markt für Software-Technologie und softwarebasierteDienstleistungen hat sich weltweit zu einemwirtschaftlichen Schlüsselbereich entwickelt. Dies betrifftsowohl Unternehmen, die Software entwickeln bzw.vertreiben (Primärbranche), als auch Unternehmen ausden Anwenderbranchen...
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The paper is devoted to solving the problem of assessing the quality of the medicalelectronic service. A variety of dimensions and factors of quality, methods and models applied indifferent scopes of activity for assessing quality of service is researched. The basic aspects,requirements and...
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The paper is devoted to solving a problem of the development of the website of Russianmunicipal policlinics and provides a selection of a set of elements which should be posted on awebsite. Such elements are necessary to provide citizens with correct and ergonomic e-services.The insufficient...
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Knowledge is an important matter for consulting firms − as a resource, as a product orservice, and as a trigger for internal value creation processes. Therefore, a strategy formanagement and utilisation of knowledge in its different state is needed. It is sensible toassume, that this strategy...
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Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) is a new participative pricing mechanism whereby consumershave maximum control over the price they pay. Previous research suggests that participativepricing increases consumers’ intent to purchase. Sellers using PWYW face the risk, however,that consumers exploit their...
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We use unique plant-level data to study the link between the local availability of services andthe decision of manufacturing firms to source materials from abroad. To guide our empiricalanalysis we develop a monopolistic-competition model of the materials sourcing decisions ofheterogeneous...
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Many critical goods and services in modern-day economies are producedand distributed through complex institutional arrangements. Agent-based computationaleconomics (ACE) modeling tools are capable of handling this degree of complexity.In concrete support of this claim, this study presents an ACE...
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Das Verbundprojekt Organisatorische Innovationen mit Good Governance in Logistik-Netzwerken(OrGoLo)1 erstreckt sich auf die interdisziplinäre (betriebswirtschaftliche, informationswirtschaftlicheund ingenieurtechnische), partizipative sowie wissenschaftlich fundierte Entwicklung,...
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Der Handel und seine Dienstleistungentragen entscheidend zum reibungslosenAblauf der Wirtschaft bei, Marktwirtschaftfunktioniert nur mit einem regenund freien Handel.Der Handel in Deutschland ist überwiegendmittelständisch strukturiert, auchwenn wenige Großunternehmen seinBild in der...
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