Showing 71 - 80 of 262
We derive almost all known measures of skewness from differences of probability or differences of quantiles. Because ordinal variables are measured non-uniquely with respect to strictly increasing transformations functions of differences of quantiles cannot be used to describe the skewness of...
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Tukey (1960) derived via the technique of transformation of variables starting from the normal distribution a family of skewed and leptokurtic distributions. Skewness and leptokurtosis are determined by two parametersg and h. Therefore, the family was called gh-distributions. We modify Tukeys...
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Characterizations of measures of concordance depend on an ordering of bivariate distributions with fixed marginals or use the concept of a copula to define a ordering without fixed but with continuous marginals. Ordinal variables with a fixed number of categories have discrete bivariate...
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Velleman & Wilkinson (1993) give a lot of examples to show that the hierarchy of scalers introduced by Stevens is misleading. We will show that these examples gain are misleading if we accept that most real data sets stem come derived measurement. For derived measurement the absolute scale is...
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There is no package in R to plot bivariate distributions for discrete variables or variables given by classes. Therefore, with the help of the already implemented R routine "persp" R functions will be proposed for 3-D plots of the bivariate distribution of discrete variables, the so-called...
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