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We consider the filtering model of Frey & Schmidt (2012) stated under the real probability measure and develop a method for estimating the parameters in this framework by using time-series data of CDS index spreads and classical maximum-likelihood algorithms. The estimation-approach incorporates...
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We propose a model of correlated multi-firm default with incomplete information. While public bond investors observe issuers' assets and defaults, we suppose that they are not informed about the threshold asset level at which a firm is liquidated. Bond investors form instead a prior on these...
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This paper provides regime-switching stochastic volatility extensions of the LIBOR market model. First, the instantaneous forward LIBOR volatility is modulated by a continuous time homogeneous Markov chain. In a second parameterization, the volatility is modelled by a square root process with a...
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In this paper, we measure the impact of a downturn in the automobile industry on thesolvency of 28 large German banks. The choice of the stressed sector is motivated by theimportant role which the automobile industry plays in the German economy, not the leastbecause of its close ties to other...
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This paper sets out to help explain why estimates of asset correlations based on equityprices tend to be considerably higher than estimates based on default rates. Resolving thisempirical puzzle is highly important because, rstly, asset correlations are a key driver ofcredit risk and, secondly,...
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In single-obligor default risk modelling, using a background filtration in conjunction with a suitable embedding hypothesis (generally known as H-hypothesis or immersion property) has proven a very successful tool to separate the actual default event from the model for the default arrival...
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We develop a new completely affine model of the term structure of interest rates, in which the statevariables evolve as a matrix-valued process of stochastically correlated factors. This setting grants a newelement of flexibility in the simultaneous modeling of stochastic volatilities and...
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This paper shows that the standard and deferred filtration structural models of corporate default are isomorphic, allowing the insights of the standard full information setting to be carried over to the more complex case of asymmetric information. It shows that the accounting lag, which provides...
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Company financial reports are likely to be systematically biased. In this paper, we extend the Duffie and Lando (2001) model with a skewness correction which can account for both random and directional components of reporting noise.
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This paper analyzes the relation between correlation risk and the cross-section of hedge fund returns.Legal framework and investment mandate imply that hedge funds can be severely exposed tocorrelation risk: Hedge funds ability to enter long-short positions can be useful to reduce marketbeta,...
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