Showing 621 - 630 of 720
In this paper we estimate and empirically test different behavioral theories of consumer reference price formation. Two major theories are proposed to model the reference price reaction: assimilation contrast theory and prospect theory. We assume that different consumer segments will use...
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This paper examines the comovement of the stock market and of real activity inGermany before World War I under the efficient market hypothesis. We employ multivariate spectral analysis to compare rivaling national product estimates to stock market behavior in the frequency domain. Close...
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This paper analyzes the impact of limited enforceable international loanson international risk sharing and trade fluctuations in a two-country two-good endowment economy. Our specification of the punishment threat allowsthe exclusion from trade to last only finitely many periods and...
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This paper analyzes optimal foreign aid policy in a neoclassical frameworkwith a conflict of interest between the donor and the recipient government.Aid conditionality is modelled as a limited enforceable contract. We defineconditional aid policy to be self-enforcing if, at any point in time,...
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We consider a continuous time multivariate financial market with proportionaltransaction costs and study the problem of finding the minimal initialcapital needed to hedge, without risk, European-type contingent claims. Themodel is similar to the one considered in Bouchard and Touzi (2000)...
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Ambiguity, also called Knightian or model uncertainty, is a key feature in financial modeling. A recent paper by Maccheroni et al. (2004) characterizes investorpreferences under aversion against both risk and ambiguity. Their result shows that these preferences can be numerically represented in...
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Does gender play a role in the context of team work? Our results based on areal-effort experiment suggest that performance depends on the composition of theteam. We find that female and male performance di¤er most in mixed teams withrevenue sharing between the team members, as men put in...
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Zeitarbeit bietet Unternehmen ein zusätzliches Instrument zur flexiblenPersonalanpassung. Zudem eröffnet sie Berufsanfängern und vormalig Beschäftigten einen alternativen Weg in den Arbeitsmarkt. Der vorliegende Aufsatz analysiert die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung, die wechselnden gesetzlichen...
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We propose marginal integration estimation and testing methods for the coefficients of varying coefficient multivariate regression model. Asymptotic distribution theory is developed for the estimation method which enjoys the same rate of convergence as univariate function estimation. For the...
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We develop a theoretical model of mating behavior and parental investment in children under asymmetry in kin recognition between men and women that provides a microfoundation for the institution of marriage. In the model, men and women derive utility from consumption and reproductive success,...
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