Showing 681 - 690 of 720
This paper shows how to identify the structural shocks of a Vector Autoregression(VAR) while at the same time estimating a dynamic stochastic generalequilibrium (DSGE) model that is not assumed to replicate the data generatingprocess. It proposes a framework to estimate the parameters of the VAR...
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We analyze the impact of short-run economic fluctuations on age-specific mortality usingBayesian time series econometrics and contribute to the debate on the procyclicality ofmortality. For the first time, we examine the differing consequences of economic changesfor all individual age classes....
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With the increase of e-learning by universities and educational institutes in the worldthrough more electronic platforms, come the questions to researchers, educators anddesigners of electronic platforms about feasibility and using this method of learning.Are we achieving the desired goals and...
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Context effects can have a major influence on brand choice behavior after the introduction ofa new product. Based on behavioral literature, several hypotheses about the effects of a newbrand on perception, preferences and choice behavior can be derived, but studies with realchoice data are still...
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Context effects can have a major influence on brand choice behavior after the introduction ofa new product. Based on behavioral literature, several hypotheses about the effects of a newbrand on perception, preferences and choice behavior can be derived, but studies with realchoice data are still...
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Innovation activities in high technology industries provide considerable challenges fortechnology and innovation management. In particular, since these industries have a long historyof radical innovations taking place through distinct industry cycles of higher and lower demand,firms frequently...
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This article provides a comprehensive econometric analysis of factors driving aggregatemortality rates over time. It differs from previous studies in this field by simultaneouslyconsidering an extensive set of macroeconomic, socio-economic and ecological factors asexplanatory variables. Germany...
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Normal distribution of the residuals is the traditional assumption in the classicalmultivariate time series models. Nevertheless it is not very often consistent with the real data.Copulae allows for an extension of the classical time series models to nonelliptically distributedresiduals. In this...
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Controllability of longer-term interest rates requires that the persis-tence of their deviations from the central bank's policy rate (i.e. thepolicy spreads) remains suffciently low. This paper applies fractionalintegration techniques to assess the persistence of policy spreads ofeuro area money...
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As a function of strike and time to maturity the implied volatilityestimation is a challenging task in nancial econometrics. DynamicSemiparametric Factor Models (DSFM) are a model class that allowsfor the estimation of the implied volatility surface (IVS) in a dynamiccontext, employing...
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