Showing 711 - 720 of 720
The calibration of option pricing models leads to the minimization of an error functional. We show that its usual specification as a root mean squared error implies fluctuating exotics prices and possibly wrong prices...
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Option pricing models are calibrated to market data of plain vanillas by minimization of an error functional. From the economic viewpoint, there are several possibilities to measure the error between the market and the model. These different specifications of the error give rise to different...
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One of the major cost factors in car manufacturing is the painting of bodyand other parts such as wing or bonnet. Surprisingly, the painting may beeven more expensive than the body itself. From this point of view it is clearthat car manufacturers need to observe the painting process carefully to...
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State price density (SPD) contains important information concerning market expectations. In existing literature, a constrained estimator of the SPD is found by nonlinear least squares in a suitable Sobolev space...
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This paper embarks to analyse the role of exports and investment supposed to be major sources of economic growth in Asia Pacific. Therefore at first, the cointegration properties of exports, capital formation and GDP are examined in vector error correction models (VECMs)...
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We consider the problem of optimal consumption for an investor who is risk and uncertainty avers. We model these preferences of the investor with the help of a convex risk-measure...
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We present a closed form solution to the perpetual American double barrier call option problem in a model driven by a Brownian motion and a compound Poissonprocess with exponential jumps. The method of proof is based on reducing the initialirregular optimal stopping problem to an...
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We examine the coexistence of banks and financial markets, studyinga credit market where the qualities of investment projects are notobservable and the investment decisions of entrepreneurs are not contractible...
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