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copulas, which allow us to model the effect of a covariate driving the strength of dependence between the main variables. We … propose a flexible Bayesian nonparametric approach for the estimation of conditional copulas, which can model any conditional …
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Normal distribution of the residuals is the traditional assumption in the classical multivariate time series models. Nevertheless it is not very often consistent with the real data. Copulae allows for an extension of the classical time series models to nonelliptically distributed residuals. In...
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There is increasing demand for models of time-varying and non-Gaussian dependencies for multivariate time-series. Available models suffer from the curse of dimensionality or restrictive assumptions on the parameters and the distribution. A promising class of models are the hierarchical...
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Understanding the dynamics of high dimensional non-normal dependency structure is a challenging task. This research aims at attacking this problem by building up a hidden Markov model (HMM) for Hierarchical Archimedean Copulae (HAC), where the HAC represent a wide class of models for high...
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Extreme-value copulas arise as the possible limits of copulas of component-wise maxima of independent, identically … distributed samples. The use of bivariate extreme-value copulas is greatly facilitated by their representation in terms of …
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We consider the problem of estimating the marginals in case there is knowledge on the copula. If the copula is smooth, it is known that it is possible to improve on the empirical distribution functions: optimal estimators still have rate of convergence n-1/2, but a smaller asymptotic variance....
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Modeling the portfolio credit risk is one of the crucial issues of the last years in the financial problems. We propose the valuation model of Collateralized Debt Obligations based on a one- and two-parameter copula and default intensities estimated from market data. The presented method is used...
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This paper shows that factor risk premia can be consistently estimated using a semi-parametric estimate of the stochastic discount factor without requiring a correctly specified linear factor model. We use a minimum discrepancy objective function to construct a stochastic discount factor from...
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We consider a nonparametric time series regression model. Our framework allows precise estimation of betas without the usual assumption of betas being piecewise constant. This property makes our framework particularly suitable to study individual stocks. We provide an inference framework for all...
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In the literature, consistency of the estimates of the number of factors for both the discrete and continuous time factor models has been extensively studied recently. But the central limit theorem has long been unsolved. In this paper, alternative to the PCA-based approach, we construct a new...
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