Showing 141 - 150 of 1,355
This paper analyzes the impact of the definition of part-time sick leave (PTSL) when analyzing the effect of PTSL on employees’ probability to fully recover lost work capacity. Using a random sample of 3,607 employees, we estimate an econometric model that aims to answer the hypothetical...
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This paper uses a labor supply model that incorporates waiting for health care to derive an empirical specification for sick leave and to estimate the impact of waiting for health care on the duration of sick leave. In the estimations, we use the 2002 sample of the RFV-LS register database,...
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This paper uses a labor supply model that incorporates waiting for health care to derive an empirical specification for sick leave and to estimate the impact of waiting for health care on the duration of sick leave. In the estimations, we use the 2002 sample of the RFV-LS register database,...
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The change in Romanian political regime in 1989 has lifted the barriers for population circulation and mobility that were further more amplified in 2002 by the liberalization of Romanians' circulation in the Schengen space. In such context, the aim of this paper is to analyze to what extent...
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Legally binding treaties or memorandums have been used over time to regulate the issue of national borders of many European countries. As a result, relatively large groups of people have become ethnic minorities in other countries. They may conserve their ethnic identities, and therefore their...
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This paper uses a labor supply model that incorporates waiting for health care to derive an empirical specification for sick leave and to estimate the impact of waiting for health care on the duration of sick leave. In the estimations, we use the 2002 sample of the RFV-LS register database,...
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Dieser Bericht untersucht die möglichen Beschäftiungseffekte und fiskalischenEffekte des von Peter Bofinger und Ulrich Walwei vorgeschlagenen Konzepts zurFörderung Existenz sichernder Beschäftigung. Die Arbeiten wurden in engerKoordination mit dem Auftraggeber, dem Bundesministerium der...
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Mit der Hartz-Reform wurde die Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Deutschland in allen Bereicheneiner grundlegenden Revision unterzogen. Nach vorbereitenden Arbeiten der Hartz-Kommission wurde eine Reihe von „Gesetzen für moderne Dienstleistungen amArbeitsmarkt“ (kurz: Hartz I-IV) verabschiedet, die...
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Based on a German representative sample of employees we explore the relevance anddevelopment of further training in private sector firms. We focus on formal training andexplore possible individual and job-based determinants of its incidence. We also showchanges over time during a 20 year...
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Standard search models are unreliable for structural inference of the underlying sources ofwage inequality because they are inconsistent with observed residual wage dispersion. Weaddress this issue by modeling skill development and duration dependence in unemploymentbenefits in a random on the...
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