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In comparing an immediate life annuity with a payout-equivalent investment fundpayout plan (self-annuitization), research to date has focused mainly on shortfallprobabilities of self-annuitization. As an exception, Schmeiser and Post (2005)propose a family strategy where the chances of...
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Das Thema der Kapitalallokation und risikoadjustierten Performancesteuerungwird im Finanzdienstleistungssektor intensiv diskutiert.1 Die Kapitalallokationstellt dabei einen zentralen Baustein der Unternehmenssteuerung dar. Insbesonderesollen Fragestellungen der optimalen...
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Die Regelung und Praxis der Aufsicht der beruflichen Vorsorge in den untersuchten Ländernergeben kein einheitliches Bild. Trotzdem sind Trends festzustellen, die auch für dieSchweiz von Interesse sind. Einer dieser Trends ist eine Aufsichtsintegration, wonach dieLebensversicherer, Banken und...
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Die deutschsprachigen Versicherungsmärktestehen vor alten undneuen Herausforderungen, die imUmfeld der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskriseimmer noch zunehmen. Langfristigprägende Entwicklungen wiezum Beispiel im soziodemografischenBereich, aber auch aktuelleEntwicklungen wie Veränderungendes...
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Die Finanzkrise erschütterte die globale Wirtschaft. Traditionsreiche Finanzinstituteund ganze Volkswirtschaften standen am Rande des finanziellen Abgrundes.Staatliche Hilfspakete haben den Kollaps des Systems zwar bisherverhindert, aber damit eine grosse Hypothek für die Zukunft...
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Life insurers often claim that the life settlement industry reduces theirsurrender profits and leads to an adverse shift in their portfolio of insuredrisks, i.e., bad risks remain in the portfolio instead of surrendering.In this paper, we aim to quantify the effect of altered...
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In this paper, we first discuss the characteristics and major benefits of the Swissrisk-based capital standards for insurance companies (Swiss Solvency Test), introduced in 2006. As the insurance industry is one of the largest institutional investors in Switzerland, changes to its asset and...
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The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of capital and risk transfer instruments on diversification and insolvency risk in a parent-subsidiary relationship. To better assess the effects, we compare this setting to the case of a holding company and an integrated financial group. In the...
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The aim of this paper is to develop an alternative approach for assessing an insurer’s solvency as a proposal for a standard model for Solvency II. Instead ofderiving minimum capital requirements—as it is done in solvency regulation—our model provides company-specific minimum standards for...
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The aim of this article is to identify fair equity-premium combinations for non-lifeinsurers that satisfy solvency capital requirements imposed by regulatory authorities. In particular, we compare target capital erived using the value at risk concept as planned for Solvency II in the European...
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