Showing 111 - 120 of 205
This paper analyzes the recently documented instability of money demand in theeuro area in the framework of a Markov switching trend model. First, we consider astandard flexible price model with stable money demand, rational expectations, andan exogenous income-money ratio which follows a Markov...
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As is well known, the uncovered interest rate parity fails in the short run but usually holds in the long run. This paper analyses the long and short run interest rate parity of 10 mayor OECD currencies and finds that there is a long run failure of the uncovered interest rate parity condition...
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This paper analyzes forward-looking monetary policy rules in structural VAR’s. First, an approach for modeling a monetary policy which aims at a strict medium term inflation or output growth target is developed. Second, the ex ante inflation-output-growth volatility trade-off for a...
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This paper analyzes forward-looking rules for Swiss monetary policy in a small structural VAR model consisting of four variables taking into account data revisions for GDP. First, the paper develops an analytical method to analyze the effect of data revision errors in GDP on the ex ante or...
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This paper contributes to possible answers to the question: What are the effects of computermediatedcommunication on relationship qualities in organizations? To answer this question withoutoversimplifying the phenomena an adequate research methodology has to be found.First, the interrelationship...
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This paper analyzes the determinants of the German corporate governance ratingrecently developed by Drobetz, Schillhofer, and Zimmermann (2004). We find anon- linear relationship between ownership concentration and the quality of firmlevelcorporate governance as measured by the rating. Firms...
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We use a dynamic adjustment model and panel methodology to investigatethe determinants of a time- varying optimal capital structure. Because firmsmay temporarily deviate from their optimal capital structure in the presenceof adjustment costs, we also endogenize the adjustment process. In partic...
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Im Rahmen einer Fragebogenuntersuchung werden die Determinanten derKapitalstrukturpolitik bzw. der Finanzierungsentscheidungen bei deutschen,österreichische n und schweizerischen börsennotierten Unternehmen untersucht.Die Ergebnisse decken sich weitgehend mit der Befragungsstudie vonGraham und...
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Als eines der letzten Länder Europas gab sich die Schweiz 1888 ein Patentgesetz. Diesesschloss Erfindungen aus, die nicht durch ein Modell dargestellt werden konnten. Damit bliebchemischen Produkten und Prozessen der Patentschutz verwehrt. Heute gehört die Schweiz zuden Ländern mit dem am...
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The innovations of this paper are fourfold: First we study return differentials more comprehensivelythan in the previous literature by comparing three asset classes : money market instruments, bonds andequities across countries. Second, we document the structure of international portfolio...
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