Showing 71 - 80 of 205
In this paper we analyzed the violations of UIP for the Swiss Franc against the Dollar, the Euro, the Yen, thePound and the Canadian Dollar using recent data up to fall 2008. This exercise provides the following mainresults : first the Swiss interest rate puzzle disappeared, i.e. mean returns on...
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In Medien und Öffentlichkeit ist die Meinung, dass die infolge von Globalisierung und Strukturwandel freigesetztenArbeitskräfte zu den Verlierern der Globalisierung gehörten, weit verbreitet. Diese Studie zeigtauf, dass diese Wahrnehmung in der Schweiz nur bedingt mit der Realität...
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Im vorliegenden kurzen Beitrag diskutieren wir Fragestellungen, die bei der Bewertungdieser sicherheitspolitischen Entwicklung Eingang finden sollten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist dieDarstellung von theoretischen Argumenten und empirischen Erkenntnissen, welche es unteranderem bei der Planung und...
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This paper investigates the role that discrimination plays in the educational marginalizationof foreign youth commonly observed in European countries with a long guestworkertradition. Economic theory offers two basic explanations for discrimination ofthis form: taste-based discrimination arising...
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This paper addresses the personal linkages between the public administration and the legislaturethat emerge because public servants pursue a political mandate. There are concernsthat the strong representation of bureaucrats in many Western parliaments compromises theconstitutionally proposed...
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A framework is proposed for organizing phenomena related to the (mis)predictionof utility, in particular neglecting adaptation. A categorization is introduced that accounts forasymmetries in misprediction. In decision-making, goods and activities satisfying extrinsicdesires are more salient than...
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Environmental policy often has to be devised under informational constraints,like uncertainty and asymmetric information. We consider an environmentalpolicy that aims at reducing the welfare losses caused by asymmetricinformation while being sufficiently simple for implementation. Inthis policy,...
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Gegenwärtig streiten sich Schweizer Medien darüber, ob es sich bei der vielfach debattierten Schlechterstellungvon niedrig zu höher qualifizierten Arbeitskräften in der Schweiz um Realität oder Mythos handelt. Sospricht zum einen die Zeitung Der Bund (2006) von einem „steigenden Lohndruck...
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The present paper examines the relationship between fixed-term employment and jobsatisfaction using individual-level data from the German Socio Economic Panel (GSOEP).According to theoretical expectations, fixed-term employment should be associated with arelative low level of job satisfaction,...
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This paper examines the question, whether the growing use of new technologies anddecentralized forms of work organization affects the age structure of workforces withinfirms. The initial idea behind this relationship is that technological and organizationalchange may not only be skill-biased,...
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