Showing 81 - 90 of 35,985
We examine the explanatory power of cascade models by implementing the BDM-mechanism in a simple cascade experiment in which subject have to decide on the prediction of a randomly choasen urn. Assigned price limits to participate in the prediction game are used as indicators of subjective...
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We adopt an evolutionary approach to investigate whether and when condi-tional cooperation can explain the voluntary contribution phenomenon oftenobserved in public goods experiments and in real life. Formally, conditionalcooperation is captured by a regret parameter describing how much an...
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Are commonly known beliefs essential for bidding behavior in asymmetric auctions? Our experimental results suggest that not informing participants how values are randomly generated does not change behavior much and may even make it appear more rational.
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We consider an exchange economy with two heterogeneous stocks and twogroups of investors. Dividends follow diusion processes, with a constant expectedgrowth rate for one stock and a stochastic drift for the other. 'Rationalinvestors' can either observe this stochastic drift without error or...
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Im Internet ist eine Vielzahl von Informationen vorhanden, welche zum Treffenvon Kaufentscheidungen herangezogen werden können. Da Anbieter abermeist besser informiert sind als Nachfrager entstehen so genannte Informationsasymmetrien.Um sich auf Märkten einen besseren Überblick über das...
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This paper shows that, for CEU preferences, the axioms consquentialism, state independenceand conditional certainty equivalent consistency under updating characterise a family of capacities,called Genralised Neo-Additive Capacities (GNAC). This family contains as special casesamong others...
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The paper examines the effects of ambiguity in regulation on the equilibriumallocation. Under ambiguous bailout policy, agents’ suffer from a lack of informationwith regards to the insolvency resolution method, which would bechosen by the regulator if a financial institution fails. In this...
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Die tiefe Krise, in der sich der deutsche Finanzdienstleistungsmarktderzeit befindet, ist zum Teil auch auf fehlende theoretisch fundierte Marktbearbeitungsstrategiender Marktteilnehmer zurückzuführen. Der Wirtschaftsinformatik als Wissenschaft mitGestaltungsanspruch bieten sich gerade in...
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This paper develops a tractable real options framework to analyze the eects of asym-metric information on investment and nancing decisions when rms require externalfunds to nance investment. Our analysis shows that corporate insiders can signal theirprivate information to outside investors using...
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This paper develops a signalling game in which the decision to raise public equityis a real option of the …rm. Firms may use multiple signals to reveal their type:the timing of the IPO, the fraction of shares issued and the underpricing of shares.The model provides a tractable approach for...
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