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During the last decades a wide literature has focused on the relationship volume-volatility on financial markets. This paper investigates the temporal dynamics of volatility and volumes, supposing, as in Bollerslev and Jubinsky (1999), that the link has to be found in their long-run...
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The article discuss the relationship between US REITs and Japan REITs. In empirical study, we apply five static ARMAX-GJR-GARCH copula models and two time-varying dynamic copula models. The results show that the kendall tau is lower before the submortgage crisis. The contagion effect test...
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The theory of conditional copulas provides a means of constructing flexible multivariate density models, allowing for … variables. Further, the use of copulas in constructing these models often allows for the partitioning of the parameter vector …
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identify components of mixture copulas. We first consider simulated data samples in which the true dependence structure is … given by a mixture of two parametric copulas: one copula that is presumed to represent the true dependence structure and one … applied to mixtures of copulas with different tail dependence. Several goodness-of-fit tests are shown to hold their nominal …
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beef industry in the USA. This is pursued using the statistical tool of copulas. To this end, it utilizes retail monthly …
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structure through copulas. The capability in coupling together the different marginal distributions allows the flexible modeling … for the SUR Tobit. The ability in capturing tail dependence is an additionally useful feature of the copulas, especially …
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concept of tail copulas as models for different scenarios of joint extreme outcome. For risk management purposes, our findings …
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In financial practice, it is important to understand the dependence structure between the returns of individual assets and the market index. This particularly true under extreme situations. Theoretically, this amounts to regress the dependence relationship against a set of pre-specified...
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Theoretical credit risk models a la Merton (1974) predict a non-linear negative link between a firm's default likelihood and asset value. This motivates us to propose a flexible empirical Markov-switching bivariate copula that allows for distinct time-varying dependence between credit default...
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Modelling portfolio credit risk is one of the crucial challenges faced by financial services industry in the last few years. We propose the valuation model of collateralized debt obligations (CDO) based on copula functions with up to three parameters, with default intensities estimated from...
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