Showing 41 - 50 of 296
This paper analyzes the determinants of alternative automobile fuel regulation and developmentsupport with a particular focus on methanol fuel. We find that embedded interests, bureaucraticreforms, and political circumstances in the Chinese national, provincial, and municipalgovernments have all...
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Based on German data between 1999 and 2007, we analyze the growth factors of SMEs andcontrast them with those of large firms. Differences show up both in balance sheet and employmentgrowth. While we conrm earlier results on inherent growth structures and the inuence of firm age,we derive several...
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Welche Einflussfaktoren bestimmen die Spreadentwicklung im Kapitalmarktsegment derBanken im Verlauf der Finanzkrise? Unter Verwendung der Regressionsanalyse werden dieDeterminanten von Asset-Swap- (ASW) und Credit-Default-Swap- (CDS) Spreads ausgewähltereuropäischer Banken im Zeitraum April...
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This paper empirically investigates the risk and performance of three types of alternative betaproducts over the January 2002 to September 2009 time period: funds of hedge funds (FHFs),investable hedge fund indices (IHFIs), and hedge fund replication strategies (HFRS). Weshow that IHFIs are true...
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National borders are still strong barriers for mergers and acquisitions inEurope. We estimate a gravity equation model based on NUTS 2-regionsand find that the restraining impact of national borders decreased byabout a third between 1990 and 2007. However, there has been nosignificant change...
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Implied Base Correlations of Single-tranche CDOs on standardized Credit Indices such asthe iTraxx Europe have been used in the credit derivatives market for price communication.During the financial crisis, implied correlations have been quite volatile indicating thegrowing fraction of systematic...
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Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) were established in Europe in 2000 and have grown to a sizeof over 200 bn US$. Some issuers use a full replication strategy while others prefer a swapbased approach. The ETF are dealt parallelly in the primary and in the secondary market, asnew ETFs can be created at...
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The paper confronts different aspects of decentralization: fiscal decentralization, postconstitutionalregulatory decentralization, and constitutional decentralization – using a singledataset from Russian Federation of the Yeltsin period as a politically asymmetric country anda variety of...
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In the past two decades, controversial evidence has been produced supporting the case for localprotectionism in China. This paper overviews the most important contributions and presents a newapproach which applies spatial econometrics on prefectural-level data. The main advantage of thismethod...
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Credit risk measurement and management become more important in all financial institutions in the light of the current financial crisis and the global recession. This particularly applies to most of the complex structured financing forms whose risk cannot be quantified with com-mon rating...
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