Showing 91 - 100 of 160
One major outcome of the review of the ECB’s “two pillar monetary policy strategy”, whichwas published on 8 May 2003, has been the de facto downgrading of the hitherto prominentrole assigned to the stock of money. According to the authors’ judgement, however, there is astrong theoretical...
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The dramatic drop in prices on the German stock exchange in the period from2000 to 2003 was one cause for the rising number of delistings in Germany. Thisdevelopment triggered the study on the aptitude of listed companies to remainlisted although the authors were well aware that a negative...
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The objective of this paper is to implement a prototype of a currency crisis modelas part of an early warning system framework for Uganda. The financial systemsof developing countries like Uganda are especially vulnerable and therefore robustinstruments to predict crises are needed. Our model is...
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The paper discusses the impact of the Basel II Accord on the financing of smalland medium size enterprises (SME) in Austria. Although the Basel II Accord hasnot been established yet, the study tries to evaluate the expected impact of theBasel II Accord on SMEs, on the bases of the current...
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Directors’ Dealings have been extensively analysed especially for U.S. and U.K.stock markets. This event study is meant to bridge the gap for Germany, Italy andthe Netherlands. The question to be investigated is whether board members andother company insiders earn abnormal returns with market...
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This paper tackles the issue of the incompleteness of information available to thecentral bank when taking its monetary policy decisions. It is focused on euro areadata and based on the simplistic assumption of the central bank following a simplemonetary policy rule à-la-Taylor. Along the lines...
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After a short review on the history of human capital measurement we describe anddiscuss different approaches that are in use to assess the intangible assetts of anorganisation based on knowledge and behaviour. While deductive indicators helpto rise the questions on the value of intangible...
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The report deals with the current legal questions relating to the trading, workingout and outsourcing of non-performing loans. Within this framework the basic legalprovisions and the problems arising therefrom, for example, in the area of dataprotection or banking secrecy, are explained and...
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The rate of growth in bank loans to private households and firms in Germany hasdeclined substantially since early 2000 and currently stands at virtually zero. In thisarticle, we analyse whether cyclical factors (“demand-side driven”) or banks’ unwillingnessand/or inability to lend...
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Behavioral finance theory is used for the foreign exchange market toshow, that the profit of a typical trader is mainly due to the higher number of correctpositions. Using behavioral finance the amount of loss trades is larger than60%, however the individual gains are larger than the losses...
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