Showing 141 - 150 of 290
In the last two decades there has been a noticeable increase in published research inevolutionary economics. The idea that formal modelling is a sine qua non condition forestablishing a rigours and coherence scientific frame, has led to an over concern withformalization issues among evolutionary...
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In this paper we present a history-friendly model of the changing vertical scope of computerfirms during the evolution of the computer and semiconductor industries. The model is“history friendly”, in that it attempts at replicating some basic, stylized qualitative features ofthe evolution of...
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This paper relates firm size and opportunism by showing that, given certain behavioraldispositions of humans, the size of a profit-maximizing firm can be determined by cognitiveaspects underlying firm-internal cultural transmission processes. We argue that what firms dobetter than markets –...
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Based on new data, this paper studies invention disclosure, licensing, and firm formationactivities of Max Planck Institute directors over the time period 1985-2004, and analyzestheir effects on scientists’ publication and citation records. The results are consistent withprior findings that...
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The evolutionary explanation of human dispositions to prosocial behaviour and tomoralization of such behaviour undermines the moral realist's belief in objectivemoral facts that hold independently of people's contingent desires. At the same time,advocacy of preferences for significant departures...
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This lecture is a brief overview of an evolutionary theory of fairness. The ideasare fleshed out in a book Natural Justice, which is itself a condensed versionof an earlier two-volume book Game Theory and the Social Contract (Binmore[14, 12, 13])...
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The Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs seeks to use knowledge and innovation in thecontext of the European Research Area (ERA). To build the ERA the European Union(EU) implements – amongst others - regional innovation policy. Ample scientificpublications have investigated how innovation...
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The paper unravels the subversive nature of Schumpeter’s proposition that entrepreneurscarry out innovations (the micro level), that swarms of followers imitate them (meso) andthat, as a consequence, ‘creative destruction’ leads to economic development ‘fromwithin’ (macro). It is...
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In recent economic literature, there has been an increasing interest in modellingpreferences as endogenous. Some arguments go along the lines that institutions shapepreferences. This paper suggests that adopting a more substantive concept ofpreferences furthers our understanding of how they...
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Market growth is driven by product innovation. Beyond functional satiationthe marginal utility of product performance and variety decreases. We argue that socialcomparisons underlying innovation diffusion results in consumer motivations for upwardassimilation toward the behavior of better...
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