Showing 31 - 40 of 262
In multi-party democracies, several parties usually have to join together in coalitionto form government. Many aspects of that process have been fairly fully investigated,others less so. Among the latter is the timing of the formation and announcement ofcoalitions.1While the dominant popular...
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Seminal models of herd behaviour and informational cascades point out the existence of information negativeexternalities, and propose to destroy information in order to achieve social improvements. Although in the lastyears many features of herd behaviour and informational cascades have been...
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A firm with stochastic demand can rely on hired hands when demand is low and rent additionallabour when demand is higher. For high demand this implies the co-employmentof hired hands, paid directly by the firm, and of rented hands who are paid by a rentalagency. This may cause severe problems if...
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This study investigates the dynamic efficiency of an emissionregulation regime where companies competitively pay for emissionlicences. We embed the emission licence market in a Cournotmodel where the price of emission licences is subject to strategictradeoff between licences and abatement...
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The present research experimentally examines the ininfluence of groupidentity on trust behavior in an investment game. In one treatment,group identity is manipulated only through the creation of artificial(minimal) groups. In other treatments group members are additionallyrelated by outcome...
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A conditional cooperator in a public goods game wants to match hispartners' expected contribution. We investigate theoretically and empiricallywhether (and to what extent) conditional cooperation can explainhow individual contributions evolve in a repeated two-person public goodsexperiment using...
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Fairness like other social norms is usually stabilized by punishing norm deviations. Reward uncertainty, however,questions whether norm deviations can be detected and thus punished. By investing in information acquisition, aresponder in an ultimatum experiment determines endogenously whether...
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Bidding challenges learning theories since experiences with the same bid vary stochastically:the same choice can result in either a gain or a loss. In such an environment thequestion arises how the nearly universally documented phenomenon of loss aversion affectsthe adaptive dynamics. We analyze...
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We compared the behavior of groups and individuals in a two-person trust game. The first mover in this game, the sender, receives an endowment and can send any part of it to the responder; the amount sent is tripled, and the responder can then return to the sender any portion of the tripled sum....
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The Nash Bargaining problem in the context of a random utility modelyields a stochastic demand for each player, conditional on his or her beliefs re-garding the other player's behavior. We derive a symmetric logit equilibriumunder naive expectations that converges to the Nash axiomatic solution...
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