Showing 101 - 110 of 124
Our questionnaire survey finds that most fund managers rely on the strategies ofbuy-&-hold, momentum and contrarian trading. These strategies are typically appliedmutually. Their use is rooted in the attributes and beliefs of the respective fund managers:buy-&-hold traders behave fundamentally...
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Price comparison services are being used by more and more internet users worldwide tocompare prices of (online-)suppliers. The characteristics of price comparison services differinternationally. Not only are they different in the reference to their scope of work. Also with regard tothe technical...
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We study the relationship between foreign exchange trading activity and volatility on theUSD/EUR foreign exchange market on the basis of a unique data set around the events of09/11/2001. We find that volatility and bid-ask spreads are by far larger at that time, but theshock is not persistent....
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When the centre-left government came into power in Germany in 1998, a core promise of the new Chancellor, Schroeder, was to reduce the lack of jobs and to increase welfare. Facing persistently increasing unemployment rates from then on, the government finally launched “Hartz IV” in 2004; the...
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Die Untersuchung basiert auf einer schriftlichen Befragung von Fondsmanagern inÖsterreich. Sie offenbart deren positive Selbsteinschätzung hinsichtlich des beruflichenErfolges, ohne dabei mit exzessiver Überschätzung des eigenen Informationsstandesverbunden zu sein. Das Anlageverhalten der...
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This paper finds that fund managers do not expect mean reverting returns, as suggested by theory andempirical evidence, but mean averting returns.[...]
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This paper analyzes the behaviour and motivation of fund managers in foreign exchangemarkets reflected in questionnaire evidence. We find that fund managers andFX dealers differ significantly. Fund managers rely more on fundamentals, basicallydue to their longer forecasting horizons, and reject...
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Spätestens die Vergabe der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2006 hat in Deutschland einenSportstadien-Bauboom verursacht. Dieser erscheint auch nötig, um die veraltete deutsche Stadion-Infrastrukturwieder internationalen Standards anzugleichen. Jedoch treffen diese gestiegenen Investitionswünsche...
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We discuss long-run growth in an economy which is subject toaggregate productivity shocks affecting all factors of production. Wedemonstrate that the presence of labor income risk unambiguously isan important determinant of long-run expected growth. The issue ofdynamic inefficiency of the...
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This paper discusses a two-sector neoclassical overlapping generationseconomy with intermediate and final goods in the spirit of Romer(1990). The risk averse agents engage in one of two alternative occupations:either firm-ownership in the intermediate goods sector, characterizedby monopolistic...
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