Showing 141 - 150 of 270
We study self-selection into earning money in an honest or dishonest fashion based on individuals' attitudes toward truthful reporting. We propose a decision-theoretic framework where individuals' willingness to pay for honest earnings is determined by their (behavioral) lying costs. Our...
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We find experimental evidence that the decision problem of tax compliance changes if subjects’ declarations are not randomly assessed, but is based on their appearance as captured by pictures of their faces, even if the aggregate audit probability does not change. Some subjects may fear that...
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We study whether individuals in a face-to-face situation can successfully exert some lying effort to delude others. We exploit data from a laboratory experiment in which participants were asked to assess videotaped statements as being rather truthful or untruthful. The statements are...
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Time is a crucial determinant of deception, since some misreporting opportunities come as a surprise and require an intuitive decision while others allow for extensive reflection time. To be able to pursue a deceptive strategy, however, a subject must be aware of the misreporting opportunity....
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We use a long panel data set for four entry cohorts into an internal labor market toanalyze the effect of age on the probability to participate in different training measures.We find that training participation probabilities are inverted u-shaped with age and thatlonger training measures are...
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The use of technical analysis by financial market professionals is not well understood. Thispaper thus analyzes survey evidence from 692 fund managers in five countries, the vast majorityof whom rely on technical analysis. At a forecasting horizon of weeks, technical analysis isthe most...
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We consider a recently proposed class of nonlinear time series models and focus mainly onmisspecification testing for models of such type. Following the modeling cycle for nonlineartime series models of specification, estimation and evaluation we first treat how to choosean adequate transition...
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