Showing 61 - 70 of 885
Despite the enormous growth of the asset management industry during the pastdecades, little is known so far about the asset pricing implications of investmentintermediaries. Investment objectives of professional asset managers such as mutualfunds differ from those of private households. However,...
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Consider an Rd-valued semimartingale S and a sequence of Rd-valuedS-integrable predictable processes Hn valued in some closed convex set K C Rd,containing the origin. Suppose that the real-valued sequence Hn * S converges toX in the semimartingale topology.[...]
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Macroeconomic time series often involve a threshold effect in theirARMA representation, and exhibit long memory features. In this paperwe introduce a new class of threshold ARFIMA models to account forthis. The threshold effect is introduced in the autoregressive and/or thefractional integration...
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This paper develops and empirically tests a model designed to distinguish the roleof real and …nancing frictions on fi…rms´investment, debt …nancing and equity …nancingpolicies. Real frictions include …xed costs of investment and adjustment costs. Financ-ing frictions include taxes,...
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This paper aims to open a new avenue for research in continuoustimenancial market models with endogenous prices and heterogenousinvestors. The main result is the derivation of the limit of a discretetimeevolutionary stock market model as the length of the time periodtends to zero.[...]
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The objective of this paper is to extend the results on Pseudo Maximum Likelihood(PML) theory derived in Gourieroux, Monfort, and Trognon (GMT)(1984) to a situation where the rst four conditional moments are specied.Such an extension is relevant in light of pervasive evidence that conditional...
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This article shows that, as long as agents are required to maintain positivewealth, the presence of portfolio constraints may give rise to asset pricingbubbles in equilibrium even if there are unconstrained agents in the economywho can benefit from the induced arbitrage opportunity. Furthermore,...
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This paper studies the wealth dynamics of investors holding self-nancing portfolios in a continuous-time model of a nancial market.Asset prices are endogenously determined by market clearing. Wederive results on the asymptotic dynamics of the wealth distributionand asset prices for constant...
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We study the exponential utility indifference valuation of a contingentclaim H when asset prices are given by a general semimartingale S. Under mildassumptions on H and S, we prove that a no-arbitrage type condition is fulfilled ifand only if H has a certain representation. In this case, the...
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This paper analyzes competition between mutual funds in a multiple fundsversion of the model of Hugonnier and Kaniel [18]. We characterize the setof equilibria for this delegated portfolio management game and show thatthere exists a unique Pareto optimal equilibrium. The main result of thispaper...
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