Showing 911 - 920 of 987
We reconsider pay-as-you-go pensions (PAYG) policy in a version of the Diamond(1965) overlapping generations model with an imperfectly competitive financialsector and with a low rate of tax on its profits. PAYG then has two effects on capital:the well-known negative crowding-out effect in...
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The emerging literature on interaction between strategic trade theoryand privatisation uses a simple example to argue that the irrelevanceresult is invalidated if the domestic market is open to foreigncompetition.This paper uses a fairly general framework to show that anythinga regulated...
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If unfunded pensions crowd-out private savings, pensions reform should raise the timepath of capital. Even if reform has long-run benefits, there will still be a “doubleburden”problem for a transitional generation. Assuming that there is an asset whichdiscounts the present value of an income...
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Instituting an initial round of centralized wage setting before an ultimate round ofdecentralized wage bargaining may raise actually raise employment. A general multiequilibriummodel is presented with strategic complementarities in theimplementation of a new technology through aggregate demand...
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This paper extends behavioural microsimulation modelling so that third round effectsof a policy change can be simulated. The first round effects relate to fixed hoursof work, while second round effects allow for changes in desired hours of work atunchanged wages. These allow for endogenous...
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Childcare subsidies are typically advocated as a means to making paid employmentprofitable for mothers, but also have important ramifications for the use and quality ofpaid childcare. Even if one is concerned primarily with the quantity aspect, the qualitydimension cannot be ignored. This paper...
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In this paper we consider a regulated monopoly that can pad its costs to increaseits cost reimbursement. Even while padding is ineácient the optimal incentivescheme tolerates some padding of costs to reduce the information rents paid tolow cost types. It is shown that high cost ßrms pad costs...
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...We rely on Matsuyama (1996, 1999) to study the effects on growth and welfareof non distortive tax/subsidy policies. In particular, we are interested ininvestigating the stabilising/destabilising effects of policies aimed at eliminatingeconomic fluctuations. The focus on stabilisation...
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This paper provides the first analysis of employer search using duration methods for theUK. We model both the duration of employer search and whether employers succeed infilling vacancies. We present the appropriate econometric techniques for dealing withgroups of identical vacancies posted...
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We develop a simple labour turnover model of general training. Upon completion of theirtraining, apprentices are equipped with general skills and they accumulate firm-specificskills by continuing working for their training firm. Job turnover is associated with a loss ofaccumulated firm-specific...
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