Showing 61 - 70 of 2,137
This paper considers the currency composition of sovereign debt in the context of risksharingthrough excusable defaults. It is shown that monetary credibility is not asufficient condition for borrowing in domestic currency. With real exchange rate risk,debt denominated in a borrowing country’s...
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We examine whether an economy can have a bad (small or no formal sector, hightaxes) as well as a good (small or no informal sector, low taxes) equilibrium...
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We develop a microeconomic banking framework to analyze how liquiditymanagement decisions influence the availability of liquidity to depositors, the viabilityof the asset transformation process and the solvency of banking firms. In particular,we focus on how the optimal allocation of deposits...
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We examine a Stackelberg game where a financially constrainedleader faces competition from a ‘deep pocket’ follower. We analyzethe consequences of this trade-off between a financial and a strategicadvantage for both the design of financial contracts and market structure.We derive conditions...
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An important discussion in recent years is the introduction of product patentsand the abolition of process patents. In a model with endogenous number of innovatingfirms, we show that whether product patent increases R&D is ambiguous, and depends onthe type of market demand and the cost of R&D....
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We show the effects of Bertrand and Cournot competition on R&D investmentand social welfare in a duopoly with R&D competition where success in R&D isprobabilistic. We show that R&D investments are higher under Bertrand (Cournot)competition when R&D productivities are sufficiently low (high), and...
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We show that if patent protection and trade secrecy generate asymmetricmarket structure, an innovator may prefer patent protection than trade secrecy even ifthe diffusion probability is higher under the former but it increases marketconcentration by preventing some imitators...
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We show the effect of patent protection on R&D investment in presence of‘inventing around’ (or imitation) and technology licensing...
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It is usually believed that innovation increases profits of the firms and alsosocial welfare. In a duopoly model with product innovation, we show that both thesebelieve may go wrong. We show that if the cost of innovation is not very large,prisoner’s dilemma occurs under product innovation,...
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This paper considers welfare effects of entry when the incumbent firmbehaves like a Stackelberg leader in the product market. In contrast to previous work(Klemperer, 1988, Journal of Industrial Economics), we show that entry may alwaysincrease welfare. Using general demand function, we show the...
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