Showing 51 - 60 of 411
In a bilateral oligopoly, Ghosh and Morita (‘Social desirability of freeentry: a bilateral oligopoly analysis, 2007, IJIO) show that entry is always sociallyinsufficient if the upstream agents have sufficiently strong bargaining power. Weshow that this conclusion is very much dependent on the...
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Common wisdom suggests that entry reduces profits of the incumbentfirms. On the contrary, we show that if the incumbents differ in marginal costs and theentrants behave like Stackelberg followers, entry may benefit the incumbents who arerelatively cost efficient while it always hurts the cost...
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We consider strategic government policies on the exports of final goods andon the input production when the inputs are non-tradable and produced by the foreignfirms. If the policies consist of only per-unit tax/subsidies either on the final goods oron the inputs, it is optimal for the...
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We unify and expand the theory of consumer’s behavior, based on Samuelson’s Weak Axiomof Revealed Preference, to permit simultaneously both random choice and non-singletonchoice sets. We provide a consistency postulate for demand behavior when such behavior isrepresented in terms of a...
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Whether higher productivity of the foreign firm increases host countrywelfare depends on whether the reason for foreign direct investment (FDI) is to savethe trade cost or to get the advantage of cheap labor. We show that, if the reason forFDI is to get the advantage of cheap labor, higher...
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Considering Cournot competition, this note shows that, if the firms differ inlabor productivities, the equilibrium wage rates under a centralized labor union are notindependent of the number of firms and product differentiation if the labor unioncharges a uniform wage rate. However, if the...
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We show that, for licensing by an outside innovator in a Cournot oligopoly,royalty licensing can generate higher payoff to the innovator than the fixed-feelicensing and auction if the labor market is unionized...
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In this paper we model multiple jobholding empirically using a specially collected database for the regionof Magnesia in Greece. We find that although income plays a major deterministic impact on multiplejobholding, other factors have a determining the final outcome of the individual’s choice...
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We examine an incentive scheme for a group of agents, where all agents are rewarded ifthe group meets its target. If the group does not meet its target, only the agents that meettheir individual target are rewarded. In environmental policy, the EU burden sharingagreement and the UK Climate...
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This paper contributes to the literature by introducing the nexus between financial constraints and thecapital-labour uptake and by considering the capital-labour ratio to overcome the problems that haveplagued investment literature -regarding the investment-cash flow sensitivity of constrained...
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