Showing 71 - 80 of 804
The embedding effect has frequently been observed in willingness to pay (WTP) studies.Since policy implications of valuation studies can be very sensitive to the composition of thepackage being valued, respondents’ apparent insensitivity to such fundamental characteristicssuggests that it is...
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Cointegration analysis is used to investigate the short and long run dynamics of therelationship between the export prices of the EU wheat and of other major exporters inthe world wheat market. The aim of this study is to determine whether long runrelationships existed between EU prices and its...
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This paper develops a theoretical framework of professional sports leagueswhich captures the bargaining process of sporting labour market negotiations. A transfer market, which does not have a counterpart in other labour markets butit is an implicit and ubiquitous component of the market for...
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We motivate and describe a GMM method of estimating linear dynamic models from atime series of independent cross sections. This involves subjecting the model to aquasi-differencing transformation across pairs of individuals that belong to the samegroup...
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The standard model of currency crises is amended to distinguish betweenunemployment aversion and financial fragility. Fragility is assumed to affect theauthorities’ sensitivity to a combination of high real interest rates and unemployment.An increase in fragility expands the region of...
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The theory of seigniorage is surveyed and reviewed. A theoretical model is developedwhich nests optimal tax theory and institutional approaches to fiscal and monetarypolicy...
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Modelling infrastructure as an international public good in a two-country modelof trade where each country’s social planner behaves strategically, we showthat the equilibrium levels of infrastructure are sub-optimal from a globalperspective...
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We present in this paper the asymptotic properties of two-stage quantile regressionestimators. These results permit valid inferences in structural models estimated using quantileregressions, in which the possible endogeneity of some explanatory variables is treated viaancilliary predictive...
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It is known that Dickey-Fuller tests can lead to spurious rejections of the unit root nullhypothesis when the true generating process is difference-stationary with a break.Suppose now that an unsuccessful attempt is made to allow for a break, either throughmisplaced dummy variables or through...
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A priori knowledge about the shape of living standards distribution has notbeen fully exploited in the literature to investigate properties of poverty indices.The method we propose is to exploit credible distributional assumptions to: generateadditional properties for poverty indices; relate the...
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