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Investors need performance measures particularly as a means for funds selection inthe process of ex-ante portfolio optimization. Unfortunately, there are various performancemeasures recommended for different decision situations. Since an investor may be uncertainwhich kind of decision problem is...
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The requirement of existing utility with positive first derivative only makes it pos-sible to derive a restricted two-fund separation theorem for portfolio selection problems withHARA utility replacing the original separation theorem of Cass and Stiglitz (1970). We useour findings for a brief...
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We consider investors with mean-variance-skewness preferences who aim at select-ing one out of F different funds and combining it optimally with the riskless asset and directstock holdings. Direct stock holdings are either exogenously or endogenously determined. Inour theoretical section, we...
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Our main goal is the generalization of the approach of Jobson and Korkie(1984) forfunds performance evaluation. Therefore, we consider the portfolio selection problem of aninvestor who faces short sales restrictions when choosing among F different investment fundsand assume the investor's...
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Neben den klassischen Performancemaßen, wie der Sharpe-Ratio, der Treynor-Ratio und dem Jensen-Alpha wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten weiterführende Ansätze für die Analyse und Bewertung vonKapitalanlagen entwickelt. Die moderneren Performancemaße verlangen keine Konstanz derRisikomaße...
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We consider investors with mean-variance-skewness preferences who aim at selecting oneout of F different funds and combining it optimally with the riskless asset and direct stock holdings.Direct stock holdings are either exogenously or endogenously determined. In our theoretical section,we...
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Bei der Bewertung von Unternehmen ist es üblich, die erwarteten Überschussverteilungen mitKapitalkosten zu diskontieren, welche aus dem Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) abgeleitetwerden. In diesem Zusammenhang hat Richter unter der Prämisse eines Binomialmodellsfür die Entwicklung der...
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There has been a long debate about whether speculators are stabilizing or not.We consider a model where speculators have a stabilizing role in normal times,but may also provoke large risk panics. The very feature that makes arbitrageursliquidity providers in normal times, namely their tolerance...
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We study the existence of dynamic equilibria with endogenously complete markets incontinuous-time, heterogenous agents economies driven by diusion processes. Ourmain results show that under appropriate conditions on the transition density ofthe state variables, market completeness can be deduced...
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We suggest a simple asset market model in which we analyze competitive and strategic behavior simultaneously. If two-fund separation is found to hold across periods for competitive behavior, it also holds for strategic behavior. In this case the relative prices of the assets do not depend on...
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