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In this paper we use a dynamic structural life-cycle model to analyze the employment,fiscal and welfare effects induced by unemployment insurance. The model features a detailedspecification of the tax and transfer system, including unemployment insurance benefitswhich depend on an individual's...
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Many social networks have the following properties: (i) a short average distancebetween any two individuals; (ii) a high clustering coe±cient; (iii) segregation pat-terns; the presence of (iv) brokers and (v) hubs. (i) and (ii) de¯ne a small worldnetwork. This paper develops a strategic...
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This paper discusses the place of oligopoly in international trade theory, and ar-gues that it is unsatisfactory to ignore …rms altogether, as in perfectly competitivemodels, or to view large …firms as more productive clones of small ones, as in monop-olistically competitive models. Doing...
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This paper examines monetary policy in a currency union whose member countries exhibitheterogeneous rates of limited asset markets participation (LAMP). As a result risksharing among member countries is imperfect and the monetary transmission mechanismcan dier across countries. In the limit the...
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This paper presents simple conditions for monopoly third-degree price discrimination to have negative or positive e¤ectson aggregate consumer surplus. Consumer surplus is often re-duced by discrimination, for example when total welfare (con-sumer surplus and pro…ts) falls. Surplus increases...
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Carbon leakage is a major concern for policymakers involved with environmentalinitiatives such as the European Unions emissions trading scheme and similar cap-and-trade proposals in the United States, Australia, and elsewhere. This paperprovides a framework for understanding the drivers...
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Contemporaries and historians have highlighted London’s position asthe world’s leading financial centre, and its dominance of both tradefinancing and international capital investment at this time. The cur-rent historical literature focuses on the presence of the London StockExchange and...
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We present a gravity model that accounts for multilateral resistance, firm heterogeneity and country-selectioninto trade, while accommodating asymmetries in trade flows. A new equation for the proportion of exporting…firms takes a gravity form: the extensive margin is also accected by...
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Do better trade logistics reduce trade costs, raising a country´s exports? Yes, but the magnitude of the effectdepends on country size. Applying a new gravity model to a comprehensive logistics index, we …nd that anaverage-sized country would raise exports by about 46% after a one-standard...
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In this paper we develop a dynamic structural life-cycle model of labor supplybehavior which fully accounts for the eects of income tax and transfers on la-bor supply incentives. Additionally, the model recognizes the demand side drivenrationing risk that might prevent individuals from realizing...
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