Showing 11 - 20 of 427
Assembly line balancing problems (ALBPs) arise whenever an assembly line is configured, redesignedor adjusted. An ALBP consists of distributing the total workload for manufacturingproducts among the work stations along the line. On the one hand, research has focussed on developingeffective and...
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In many industries mixed-model assembly systems are increasingly suppliedout of third-party consignment stock. This novel trend gives rise to a newshort-term sequencing problem which decides on the succession of modelslaunched down the line and aims at minimizing the cost of in-process...
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At cross docking terminals, shipments from inbound trucks are unloaded,sorted and moved to dispatch points where they are directly loaded onto out-bound trucks for an immediate delivery elsewhere in the distribution system.This warehouse management concept aims at realizing economies in...
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Production processes in a wide range of industries rely on modern mixed-model assemblysystems, which allow an efficient manufacture of various models of a commonbase product on the same assembly line. In order to facilitate a just-in-time supply ofmaterials, the literature proposes various...
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Mixed-model assembly lines are of great practical relevance and are widelyused in a range of industries, such as the final assembly of the automotive andelectronics industries. Prior research mainly selected and discussed isolatedproblems rather than considering the whole planning process. In...
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A mixed-model assembly line enables the joint production of different models of acommon base product in intermixed model sequence (lot size one). Previous approachesfor the short-term planning task of model sequencing either aim at minimizingwork overload (mixed-model sequencing and car...
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Manufacturers in a wide range of industries nowadays face the challenge of providing arich product variety at very low cost. This typically requires the implementation of costefficient, flexible production systems. Often, so called mixed-model assembly lines areemployed, where setup operations...
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Bei der Planung und Gestaltung von Austauschbeziehungen zwischen potenziellen Transaktionspartnernist es hilfreich, wenn vorab Erkenntnisse über das Zustandekommen vonPrädispositionen und Einstellungen über die Austauschobjekte vorliegen, mithin Erkenntnisseüber Präferenzen in...
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The mixed-model sequencing problem is to sequence different product models launched downan assembly line, so that work overload at the stations induced by direct succession of multiplelabor-intensive models is avoided. As a concept of clearing overload situations, especiallyapplied by Western...
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With increasing cost competition and product variety, providing an efficient Just-in-Time (JIT) supply has become one of the greatest challenges in the use of mixedmodelassembly line production systems. In the present paper, therefore, we proposea new approach for scheduling JIT part supply from...
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