Showing 91 - 100 of 399
What does Product alignment mean to you?, The perspective of relative return/value , Risk-capital-value framework, Do you really understand your business? , How are you mearuing return/value?...
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Introduction - Remark; Power of Direct Marketing; Life Cycle Marketing; Lead Generation Programme - A Multi-Channel Experience; Proactive Retention Management, Key Success Factors for Multi-Channel Distribution...
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Insurer's deal with some of the most important needs in life - it is about dreams and nightmares. Models of fundamental needs point to both physical and emotional needs. Many of these fundamental physical and emotional needs could be met by insurers...
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Consumers across Asia are becoming wealthier, older, and more sophisticated in their behaviors and attitudes towards financial services. Rising affluence and high net worth across Asia. The population of affluent and high net worth individuals is grwoing rapidly across Asia...
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Measuring NPS is relatively straight forward, but using it to drive economic value is not. NPS must lead to a "so what" for the organization. NPAs programs and inititatives must be cost-effective and profitable....
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IACPM is a non-profit industry association developed to Further the management of credit exposures by providing a forum for members to exchange ideas, foster research on credit portolio management, represent members before legislative and admistrative bodies...
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Financial firms have a vast array of possible investments to choose from and products to sell. The financial market changes fast and in the future will likely look very different than in the past. Risk Management in general has the tendency to lag behind these innovation since it is often much...
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Before - The use of ratings; During- Responses, Reactions, Lessons Learnt; After- BReakouts, Conclusions...
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Primary responsibility for risk and risk management with the business, Responsibility for risk management assigned to individual "risk owners", Support to and control of the business by specialized expert functions...
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Funding Long term care is one of the major XXIst century challenges. The private insurance market development to complete insufficient public benefits. A key product to meet the ageing population's growing needs. Risk Management as a business enabler. Identification of a market opportunity...
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