Showing 161 - 170 of 464
In this paper, we propose an estimation and testing framework for parameter instability in cointegrated panel regressions with common and idiosyncratic trends. We develop tests for structural change for the slope parameters under the null hypothesis of no structural break against the alternative...
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This paper provides an overvie of topics in nonstationary panels: panel unit root tests, panel cointegration tests, and estimation of panel cointegration models. In addition it surveys recent developments in dynamic panel data models.
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This paper studies the asymptotic properties of standard panel data estimators in a simple panel regression model with random error component disturbances. Both the regressor and the remainder disturbance term are assumed to be autoregressive and possibly non-stationary. Asymptotic distributions...
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Urban economists have long sought to explain the relationship between urbanization levels and output. In this paper we revisit this question and look for a relationship between urbanization and growth using non- stationary panel data techniques. Our results show that a long run relationship...
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In the first half of the paper we study spurious regressions in panel data when the cross-section and time-series dimensions are comparable. Asymptotic properties of the least-squares dummy variable (LSDV) estimator and other conventional statistics are examined. We show that the LSDV...
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This paper surveys recent developments and provides Monte Carlo comparison on various tests proposed for cointegration in panel data. In particular, tests for two panel models, varying intercepts and varying slopes and varying intercepts and common slopes, are presented from the literature with...
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This paper proposes a residual-based Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test for the null of cointegration in panel data. The test is analogous to the locally best unbiased invariant (LBUI) for a moving average (MA) unit root. The asymptotic distribution of the test is derived under the null. Monte Carlo...
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