Showing 941 - 950 of 997
In applied econometrics researchers often infer the relation among nonstationary time series by regression of their differences. The aim of this paper is to show that in some circumstances regression of differenced time series tends to reject the relation among their levels. This phenomenon is...
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This paper integrates a number of traditional but partial insights of Keynesian macrotheory into a consistent whole, with all budget restrictions of all sectors carefully specified, a complete set of stock-flow interactions and the construction of a unique interior steady state. We provide...
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In this paper we reconsider a model of Blanchard and Fisher which reformulated Keynesian IS-LM analysis from the perspective of a richer array of financial assets, namely short-term and long-term bonds, and thus from the perspective of the term structure of interest rates. The basic change in...
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The use of various moving average (MA) rules remains popular with financial market practitioners. These rules have recently become the focus of a number empirical studies, but there have been very few studies of financial market models where some agents employ technical trading rules of the type...
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The defaultable forward rate is modeled as a jump diffusion process within the Schonbucher (2000, 2003) general Heath, Jarrow and Morton (1992) framework where jumps in the defaultable term structure cause jumps and defaults to the defaultable bond prices. Within this framework, we investigate...
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This paper considers the problem of numerically evaluating American option prices when the dynamics of the underlying are driven by both stochastic volatility following the square root process of Heston (1993), and by a Poisson jump process of the type originally introduced by Merton (1976). We...
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We consider a market consisting of multiple assets under jump-diffusion dynamics with European style options written on these assets. It is well-known that such markets are incomplete in the Harrison and Pliska sense. We derive a pricing relation by adopting a Radon-Nikodym derivative based on...
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Within the framework of the heterogeneous agent paradigm, we establish a stochastic model of speculative price dynamics involving of two types of agents, fundamentalists and chartists, and the market price equilibria of which can be characterised by the invariant measures of a random dynamical...
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This report charts the history of the Quantitative Methods in Finance (QMF) conference from its beginning in 1993 to the 15th conference in 2007. It lists alphabetically the 1037 speakers who presented at all 15 conferences and the titles of their papers
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This paper considers the dynamics for interest rate processes within a multi-factor Heath, Jarrow and Morton (1992) specification. Despite the flexibility of and the notable advances in theoretical research about the HJM models, the number of empirical studies is still inadequate. This paucity...
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