Showing 41 - 50 of 194
This paper attempts to demonstrate the many insights about successful and unsuccessful leadership that may be derived from the life of King Solomon, who, according to Scripture, was the wisest man who ever lived. Solomon may have been very wise but made some very serious blunders as a leader...
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This paper examines mistakes in leadership that were made by Moses, arguably one of the most outstanding leaders of all time. The Bible considers him to be the greatest prophet and a man of boundless humility; secular and contemporary moral leaders seek to be compared to the iconic lawgiver....
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The doctrine of Maximizing Shareholder Value (MSV) has been largely viewed as a definitive tool for measuring the performance of the executives of public corporations. Countless business students have been taught that, the sole goal of the firm is MSV, despite the fact that, Jack Welch called...
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We are no longer an industrial economy characterized by assembly lines; we are now in a knowledge economy where creativity is what matters and the old ways of running a firm simply do not work. Using the value of the stock as a way of measuring CEO performance makes no sense and can actually...
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Abraham's “leadership by example” provides a template for business leaders to implement a tone at the top based on a balance of Tzedek (righteousness) and Mishpat (legal judgement). The former expresses the generosity of spirit required of leaders, while the latter expresses the sound...
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Talmudic stories are a method used by the ancient sages to teach us about ethics and morality. The stories in this paper deal with penitent (baalei teshuva) who returned to God. It is clear from these stories that it is vital for people to help others repent. One great sage even offered his...
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This article demonstrates how various concepts derived from marketing and behavioral economics can be useful to accountants and others whose advice is sought on the setting of prices. In particular, it shows that a one-price policy may not always be ideal. Using price as a strategic tool can...
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In the highly competitive age of the Internet and globalization, an organization has to be creative to prosper. This means that people have to work together and learn how to have productive meetings. Today's U.S. Congress is a prime example of what happens when people have lost the ability to...
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There is a leadership crisis in the United States and much of the world. The United States currently trails 19 other countries in stability as measured by the Fragile States Index. Psalm 72 was written by King David as he approached death. David's great accomplishment was establishing a powerful...
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America is in distress. We have been going from one crisis to another. Here are just a few: the savings and loan debacle which began in the 1980s; accounting fraud and financial irregularities scandals that involved such firms as Enron, Adelphia, Tyco International, Global Crossings, and led to...
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