Showing 91 - 100 of 142
Recent literature shows how the destabilising effect of portfolio insurance activity on the price of the underlying asset depends on the liquidity of the asset market. We build a simple model where market timers shift capital around asset markets in order to exploit gains from temporary...
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We introduce explicitly the effort as a choice variable in a continuous time utility maximisation framework of an executive who is partly compensated with stock options. We solve the model in the case where the executive is not allowed to trade in the company's stock but is able to achieve a...
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We present a model where it can be optimal for rational informed speculators/arbitragers to ride the bubble instead of using their information for stabilising purposes. This result stems from the interaction of speculators with behavioural traders. These latter in each period of time either...
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In this paper shareholders face the trade-off between providing managers with incentives to exert beneficial effort and to engage in costly fraudulent activity. We solve for the optimal compensation package, given that shareholders can either grant (restricted) stock or stock options and given...
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This paper develops a real option model in which the interaction between debt, liquidation policy and risky investments is studied. We consider a manager who owns the firm and faces the opportunity to invest in risky projects which boost current profits at the cost of bankruptcy if they turn out...
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The present paper studies incentive provision in a model where a manager can affect the firm's stock price by exerting unobservable effort and through costly, deceptive signalling and investigates the role product market competition plays in shaping shareholders' trade-off between inducing...
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The present paper analyzes the forward linkages of a multinational's investment in a resort which kicks off tourism activity in a LDC. We show that, under quite natural assumptions, overnight stays are increasing in the number of tourism related, differentiated goods and services supplied in...
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In this paper we consider N-phased investment opportunities where the time evolution of the project value follows a jump-diffusion process. An explicit valuation formula is derived under two different scenarios: in the first case we consider fixed and certain investment costs and in the second...
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This paper investigates the effects of board of director collusion on managerial incentives and firm values. Recent academic research hints at the social network of board of directors as an important conduit for coordinating corporate governance policies, such as managerial pay, and curbing...
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We introduce explicitly the effort as a choice variable in a continuous time utility maximisation framework of an executive who is partly compensated with stock options. We solve the model in the case where the executive is not allowed to trade in the company’s stock but is able to achieve a...
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