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The OECD (2012) recently noted that post-secondary education (PSE) participation rates in Canada will need to continue to expand as the population ages and as the needs of the knowledge-based economy increase. With many groups already participating at high rates, much of this expansion will have...
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The children of Canadian immigrants from some source regions, Asia, Africa and China in particular, attend university at extraordinarily high rates. Most others participate at lower rates, but still compare favourably with non-immigrant Canadians. In this paper the Youth in Transition Survey is...
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This paper first discusses the theoretical approaches regarding the choice of participating in post-secondary (or “higher”) education, starting with a presentation of the standard neoclassical economics approach, and then adding concepts taken from the emerging behavioural economics...
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Dans le present document, l'auteur tire parti des proprietes uniques de la Banque de donnees administratives longitudinales construite a partir des dossiers fiscaux pour mesurer les departs des Canadiens vers d'autres pays et examiner leurs profils de retour au cours de la periode allant de 1982...
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L'aide des donnees de trois reprises (1982, 1986 et 1990) de l'Enquete nationale aupres des diplomes (END), nous analyserons, a l'aide du modele des hasards proportionnels de Cox, le temps que prennent les diplomes des universites canadiennes a occuper un emploi a temps plein qui dure au moins...
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Le present article resume les conclusions de le document de recherche intitulee : L'effet des conditions macroeconomiques sur l'instabilite et l'inegalite a long terme des gains des travailleurs au Canada. Le present document porte sur la variabilite des gains des travailleurs au Canada de...
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