Showing 1,761 - 1,770 of 1,817
We document and discuss the implications of a sharp increase in the regional dispersion of skill premia in China in recent years. This has previously been little noted or discussed. We use three urban household surveys for 1995, 2002, and 2007 and estimate skill premia at provincial and city...
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We discuss recent policy debate in Russia on moving from the present value added tax to a sales tax structure covering households, government and exports. What is distinctive in this debate is the range and nature of problems identified with the VAT, most of which stem from its multistage...
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Current literature based on analyses of rural income volatility in China decompose poverty into chronic and transient components using longitudinal survey data and assesses the fraction of the Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke poverty gap attributable to mean income over time being below the poverty...
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We discuss global climate mitigation that builds on existing unilateral measures to cut emissions. We document and discuss the rationale for such unilateral measures argue that such measures have the potential to generate positive spillover effects both within and across countries. In a simple...
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This paper both discusses and evaluates the role of tax policy in the Korean growth process from the early 1960s to the late 1980s. It begins by reviewing the evolution of Korean policy over this developmental sequence, emphasizing three distinct regime switches, and the tax policies which were...
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Because China's economic structure is different from that in OECD countries, using conventional neo-classical competitive trade models to analyze the welfare and trade impacts of trade related policy change can be misleading. In particular, both the exchange rate regime and output and pricing...
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This paper discusses the role that trade can potentially play in both negotiating and operating a post Kyoto/post 2012 global climate policy regime. As an addition to the bargaining set for a global climate negotiation, trade in principle widens the range of jointly beneficial potential outcomes...
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Recent writings on China's water situation often portray China's water problems as severe and suggest that water availability could threaten the sustainability of China's future growth. However, China's high growth of the last 20 years or more has been obtained with relatively little increase in...
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This book discusses China's integration into the world economy, drawing on papers previously written by the editor. It focuses on strong trade growth, FDI inflows, innovation policy (including transfer of technology and intellectual property), the role of saving, and the accumulation of human...
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In this paper we focus on the rapidly deepening bilateral India-China economic relationship. Each is deeply integrating into the global economy through trade and FDI inflows, China is seen as primarily manufacturing-lead growth with India as service-lead growth (see Rodrick & Subramanian...
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