Showing 41 - 50 of 159
We investigate how childbirth affects intrahousehold resource allocation for married Japanese couples. We develop reduced-form and structural-form sepcifications from a unified theoretical framework. Under a weak set of assumptions, we can focus on private goods to track the changes in...
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Estimating poverty measures for disabled people in developing countries is difficult,partly because relevant data are not available. We develop two methods to estimate poverty by the disability status of the household head. We extend the small area estimation proposed by Elbers, Lanjouw and...
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One of the major limitations in addressing child malnutrition is lack of information that could be used to target resources. By combining demographic and health survey (DHS) and population census data, the author disaggregates the estimates of the prevalence of child malnutrition in Cambodia...
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Trade policies can promote aggregate e?ciency, but the ensuing structural adjustments generally create both winners and losers. From an incomes perspective, trade liberalization can raise GDP per capita, but rates of emergence from poverty depend upon individual household characteristics of...
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When current decisions affect welfare in the far-distant future, as with climate change, the use of a declining pure rate of time preference (PRTP) provides potentially important modeling flexibility. The difficulty of analyzing models with non-constant PRTP limits their application. We describe...
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We consider a collective model of a household in which earn member has a utility function satisfying the weak separability condition. We show that the separability at the individual level carries over to the household level and that the allocation of private goods in any Pareto-efficient...
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One major limitation to addressing child undernutrition is a lack of the information required to target resources. This article extends the small-area estimation technique of Elbers, Lanjouw, and Lanjouw (2002, 2003) to jointly estimate multiple equations while allowing for individual-specific...
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