Showing 121 - 130 of 444
Among the trends impacting most industries are new mobility concepts, digitalization, urbanization, rising environmental awareness, and demographic change. The automobile insurance industry, in particular, is strongly affected by new mobility concepts, including autonomous, shared, and electric...
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Purpose: Due to the continuing low interest rate environment as well as the increase in acquisition costs, price transparency, cost transparency and competition with banks, the cost of life insurance becomes increasingly important for customers, insurers and shareholders. Against this...
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Purpose: Previous research observed that large internal fraud events in the general financial services industry imply negative spillover effects, whereas internal fraud in investment banks can imply significantly positive effects for other banks. This paper aims to shed further light on this...
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Purpose: Financial firms announcing large operational losses have empirically been shown to cause significant negative spillover effects in other non-announcing firms in case of the banking and insurance industry. The purpose of this paper is 1) to model such spillover effects in a network from...
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Universal life policies are the most popular insurance contract design in theUnited States. They have either a level death benefit paying a fixed faceamount, or an increasing death benefit, which additionally pays the availablecash value, and both types include the option to switch from one to...
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Common features in life insurance contracts are an interest rate guarantee andpolicyholder participation in the returns of insurers’ reference portfolio, which canbe of substantial value. The aim of this paper is to analyze the model risk involvedin pricing and risk assessment that arises from...
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Proper pricing and risk assessment of implicit options in life insurance contractshas gained substantial attention in recent years, which is reflected in a growing literaturein this field. The purpose of this article is to outline the significance of implicitoptions in life insurance. Toward...
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In this paper, we investigate the impact of different asset management and surplus distributionstrategies in life insurance on risk-neutral pricing and shortfall risk. In general,these feedback mechanisms affect the contract’s payoff and hence directly influence pricingand risk measurement. To...
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Participating life insurance contracts typically contain various types of implicit options. These implicit options can be very valuable and can thus represent a sig-nificant risk to the insurance companies issuing these contracts in case of in-sufficient risk management. Options can get...
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Fair pricing of embedded options in life insurance contracts is usually conducted by using risk-neutral valuation. This pricing framework assumes a perfect hedging strategy, which insurance companies can hardly pursue in practice. In this paper, we extend the risk-neutral valuation concept with...
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