Showing 41 - 50 of 442
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The Willingness-to-Pay approach is the basic justfication for the use of the Contingent Valuation method to evaluate public mortality risk reduction programs. However, aggregating unweighted willingness-to-pay is a valid method only when individuals have the same marginal value of money, an...
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We derive the existence of a Walras equilibrium directly from Nash's theorem on noncooperative games. No price player is involved, nor are generalized games. Instead we use a variant of the ShapleyŠShubik trading-post game.
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The special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides food vouchers, nutritional counseling, and health care referrals to low-income pregnant and breastfeeding women and their young children. This paper uses non-parametric and parametric duration models to...
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This paper establishes (i) an extension of Michel's (1990, Theorem 1) necessity result to an abstract reduced-form model, (ii) a generalization of the results of Weitzman (1973) and Ekeland and Scheinkman (1986), and (iii) a new result that is useful particularly in the case of homogeneous...
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A common value auction experiment is run to compare the relative influence of observation and experience on learning. It is shown that the ex-post observation of opponents' actions and payoffs homogenizes behavior and accelerates learning toward the Nash equilibrium. Besides, experiential and...
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To date, much of the research on foster dependence hinges on the validity of the reasons for entry into the foster care system. Yet, no one has tested these data. Since these reasons for entry help to assess individual differences in foster care children, the purpose of this study is to more...
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