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The problem of computing risk measures associated to flood events is extremely important not only from the point of view of civil protection systems but also because of the necessity for the municipalities of insuring against the damages. In this work we propose, in the framework of an...
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A multiple imputation technique is proposed to measure sustainable development using models of structural equations (LISREL) for the treatment of missing data. The reliability of such technique is verified comparing the estimation model with missing data to the estimation model with imputed...
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<Para ID="Par1">This paper analyzes the conditional <InlineEquation ID="IEq1"> <EquationSource Format="TEX">$$\beta $$</EquationSource> <EquationSource Format="MATHML"> <math xmlns:xlink=""> <mi mathvariant="italic">β</mi> </math> </EquationSource> </InlineEquation>-convergence hypothesis for NUTS 3 Italian provinces. A methodology for the simultaneous treatment of spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity is developed. Spatial dependence is introduced in the economic model by assuming a spatial...</equationsource></equationsource></inlineequation></para>
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In the last years a central issue in economic growth debate has been represented by the convergence problem. Many empirical economists have noticed that per-capita GDPs of poor regions tend to converge to those of the richer ones. This tendency is more evident in the nineties when the...
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