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“Politica monetară: Ipostaze neconvenţionale” este cea de a doua carte a lui Lucian Croitoru la lansarea căreia am plăcerea să particip cu un punct de vedere într-un interval doar de o jumătate de an. Dacă ambele cărţi au ca subiect de discuţie şi de analiză politicile monetare...
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This survey analyses two types of models: 1. models based on assumptions of monetary and financial market equilibrium disturbance in line with mainstream thinking to believe that is self-regulating market, the units would have rational expectations, and the crisis would be a temporary phenomenon...
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The study is based on the critical observations that the competitive market forces alone are not able to assure the convergence with the developed countries. 
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The study defines the three types of convergence – institutional, nominal and real ones –, the connection among them and their main measurement indicators. 
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Prezentarea discursului de recepţie în şedinţa publică a celui mai înalt for ştiinţific şi cultural al ţării constituie unul dintre momentele cele mai importante, emoţionante şi onorante din viaţa mea.
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During the last 10–15 years the following paradox has occurred in the Romanian R&D: on the one hand, some important institutional transformations have taken place.
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This study offers from the beginning a survey about the institutional construction in the pre- and post-adhesion stages to European Economic and Monetary Union, about the exchange rate mechanism applied by the different countries and about convergence criteria.
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Real convergence represents an essential objective for Romania\'s integration into the EU.
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Progresul cunoaşterii şi sporirea rolului ei în creşterea economică sunt strâns legate de finanţarea cercetării, dezvoltării tehnologice şi inovării (CD&I).
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The paper mainly aims at defining strategic industries, establishing selection criteria and pointing out opportunities for the implementation of policies specific to market economies for promoting these industries.
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