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This article aims to explore the vertical integration decision of a beef processor from an integrated approach operations strategy andtransaction costs economic theory. In this research, vertical integration as a structural decision of operations strategy determinedby the occurrence of...
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A kilencvenes évtized első éveiben a külföldi tőkebefektetés egyik kiemelt cél-pontja az élelmiszeripar volt. A rendkívül gyors vállalat-felvásárlás és a megva-lósított tőkeemelés hatására 1993-ban a (vizsgált) élelmiszeripar összes jegyzett tőkéjének már 43...
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The analysis and measurement of production and transaction costs is an important tool in guiding decisions and in comprehendingthe behavior of the agents in a particular institutional environment. Although production costs have been widely studied in theliterature, transaction costs have not...
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Measurement Cost Theory (MCT) and Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) are both theoretical frameworks applied to the studyof economic transactions. In the MCT, the attributes’ measurability is a key variable for identifying efficient modes of governance.The application of MCT to agri systems...
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This paper is a preliminary analysis of the governance structure of the faire trade of orange juice between Brazil andFrance. Fair trade is an organizational field composed of complex organizational networks that maintain relationsof mutual dependence and share the same values system. As fair...
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The pharmaceutical industry invests its sales force in contacts with doctors, making visits and publicizing its drugs, in orderfor them to prescribe these products to their patients. This work discusses the structure of the pharmaceutical market and howmarketing strategies are used by...
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Due to changes in the institutional environment, mainly the Law 11.241/2002 (SP), which limits the burning of sugarcane and favors the mechanization of its harvest, there is a new technological pattern in the Brazilian production of sugar and alcohol. The objective of this article is to analyze...
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The aim of this paper was to analyze the characteristics of the transactions between economic agents to identify their attributes and to determine their impacts on the governance structure of the forest biomass energy production chain in Lages, Santa Catarina state. The Economic Transaction Cost...
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The new tendencies of the fine wine global consumer market have challenged organizations to observe their resources more efficiently in order to better structure and organize their strategies towards greater competitiveness and sustainability. Based on the Competitiveness and Resource-Based View...
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