Showing 51 - 60 of 356
It is thus widely recognized that the Earth has a limited capacity to meet the growing demand of the socio-economic systems for natural resources and to absorb the destructive effects of their overuse. Climate change, soil erosion and desertification, the pollution of soil, water and air, the...
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In the paper, in the first part are presented various approaches of sustainable development, the inflexion point moment that have marked the emergence and evolution of the concept, and some reference visions of known specialists in implementation methods for this concept in the world practices....
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România si-a mentinut pe ansamblu stabilitatea macroeconomica chiar daca politica în acest domeniu a dus la cresterea dezechilibrelor macroeconomice, tara noastra facând progrese substantiale în alinierea legislatiei interne la legislatia Uniunii Europene si este capabila sa-si...
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In a world that is in a permanent change, in which the interdependencies between the states are more and more obvious and the rivalry and the inequalities between the nations deepen, one of the main objectives of the actual era wishes to be the growth of the competitivity and innovation degree...
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Sustainable development project management is the integrated application of management, administration and planning projects principles, and the basic concepts of sustainable development. The paper presents some aspects of sustainable development project management with specific reference to...
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The financial, monetary and banking crisis of 2008 started as a matter of crediting subpremiums in the United States only on the 2nd Quarter of the year and extended quickly in the 3rd Quarter in Western European and then in th e4th Quarter in the Center and Eastern Europe and even far away in...
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I structured this study entitled "The evolution of the global crisis from 2007-2009", in three main chapters: In the first chapter I presented the main causes that conducted to this crisis situation. In the second chapter I focused on the effects produced by the economical crisis after its...
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Sustainable development means maintaining a material possibilities and living conditions for future generations, particularly renewable natural resources at least to the ones existing for the current generation and recovery of environmental factors affected by pollution. The spiritual level,...
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In the past years the structure of local budgets has known deep mutations concerning quality and quantity, coresponding to new directions to determine a more substancial growth in the local budget's income and based on this to ensure a real financial autonomy for the local public authorities....
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In the context of growth of population and consumption of natural resources, sustainable development is a model that concern the balance between growth, quality of life and environmental preservation, for long term, without increasing consumption of natural resources beyond the capacity of...
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