Showing 31 - 40 of 106
The IFAMR is published quarterly by the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association.
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The purpose of this research is to evaluate the hypothesis of differentiated growth in the municipalities of Colombia which receives rents from exploitation of non-renewable natural resources in comparison with the rest of the country. A specific strategy is to estimate the empirical evidence...
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This study shows, as it contributes to local sustainable development (LSD) of agricultural production systems in Nicaragua during the periods 1998-2001 to 2005. The articles is organized in the first section with a literature review on the methodology of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), the...
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O objetivo principal do estudo foi analisar a evolução do cultivo de tilápia no Brasil desde a sua origem até o presente momento, destacando os fatores limitantes e também os fatores favoráveis que contribuíram para a rápida expansão da atividade nos últimos anos. Os dados utilizados...
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Este artigo trata do papel da Câmara Setorial da Cadeia Produtiva do Açúcar e do Álcool do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. As principais ações da Câmara em estudo ocorreram no sentido de solicitar alterações nos ambientes tecnológico, institucional e...
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O objetivo deste artigo é estudar as características dos tomadores e avaliar a possibilidade de prever a inadimplência para a carteira de crédito de uma cooperativa da região Noroeste do Paraná, com dados da safra 2006/2007. O perfil dos tomadores de crédito descrito no trabalho mostrou...
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El presente trabajo pretende abordar un an lisis comparado del grado de explicaci¢n aportado por dos de las grandes teor¡as que coexisten en relaci¢n a la decisi¢n de financiaci¢n o estructura de capital. De un lado la teor¡a est tica o del trade-off desde la vertiente m s tradicional y...
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This article discusses the deliberations of the Sectional Council of Productive Chain of Sugar and Alcohol of Agricultural, Live-stocking farming and Supply Department. The main actions of the Council is study occurred in the sense of requesting alters in the technologic, institutional and...
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In the adjudication of several stages of an infrastructure project to develop a public service, when there is only private participation, there are strong incentives to reduce costs over the life of the project, which may affect the quality of service. In this paper, after a model extension to...
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