Showing 2,571 - 2,580 of 2,634
Der Beitrag vergleicht die Effizienz von zehn zentralen familienpolitischen Leistungen in Deutschland hinsichtlich der Ziele der wirtschaftlichen Stabilität und der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf. Die Wirkungsanalysen berücksichtigen die Interaktionen im Leistungssystem und mögliche...
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This paper introduces a methodological innovation into Generational Accounting. By incorporating cyclically-adjusted balances into the forward-looking budget projections underlying the concept we isolate pure policy effects, which render comparisons of the fiscal sustainability indicators...
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We investigate the dynamic effects of a charitable lottery and an income tax on donations. The analysis is based on a two-round dictator game with the subject's charity of choice as recipient and additional incentives in the first round only. The immediate effect of a charitable lottery leads to...
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Der deutsche Strommarkt ist im Umbruch. Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen verdrängt solchen aus konventioneller Erzeugung. Gleichzeitig wird immer mehr Elektrizität im Norden Deutschlands produziert und muss zu den Verbrauchern im Süden transportiert werden. Die bestehende Marktordung fordert...
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In diesem Beitrag werden die im Richtlinienentwurf enthaltenen Vorschriften zum Einstieg in eine GKKB bzw. zum Ausstieg aus einer GKKB daraufhin untersucht, wie diese sich bei Einführung einer GKB / GUB (Übergang von einer Steuerbilanz auf eine GKB / GUB) auswirken würden. Der Einstieg in...
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Do firms select their main bank relationship according to their risk or risk preferences? Relationship banking is attractive for high risk firms since it improves their access to finance and provides liquidity insurance. Low risk firms instead may not want to bear the additional costs. I employ...
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We analyze the effects of downstream firms' acquisition of pure cash flow rights in an efficient upstream supplier when all firms compete in prices. With an acquisition, downstream firms internalize the effects of their actions on their rivals' sales. Double marginalization is enhanced. Whereas...
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Specific industry factors determining cross-border business set-up in the European mutual fund industry are analyzed to contribute to the understanding of production specificities in the financial industry. The findings indicate that the decision on where to domicile a fund is not primarily...
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The global financial crisis has brought to an end a rather unprecedented period of banks' international expansion. We analyze the effects of the crisis on international banking. Using a detailed dataset on the international assets of all German banks with foreign affiliates for the years...
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Applying a differences-in-differences strategy, I study the decentralization of university admission as a natural experiment. Is the centralized or decentralized procedure better suited to match prospective students to universities? The analysis uses administrative data on all students within...
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