Showing 1 - 10 of 106
surfaces, and the HCR kinetics are complicated by adsorbate–adsorbate lateral interactions. I explicitly demonstrate that in …
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To bridge the structure gap, electrochemical reactions can be studied in flow cells with nm-sized catalyst particles deposited or fabricated on the cell walls. The understanding of the role of mass transport in such cells is now limited. To clarify the likely effects in this field, we analyze...
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In the conventional Avrami–Kolmogorov–Johnson–Mehl model, the reaction or phase transition occurring in the 2D or 3D infinite medium is considered to start and proceed around randomly distributed and/or appearing nucleation centers. The radius of the regions transformed is assumed to...
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Monte Carlo simulations of the kinetics of migration and coalescence of nm-sized metal particles on a uniform surface … the fourth power of the particle size are presented. The Monte Carlo kinetics are demonstrated to be in good agreement …
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The aim of this talk was to review recent progress in theoretical modeling of pattern formation during catalytic chemical reactions on metal surfaces. The attention was focused on two kinds of nonlinear phenomena at different characteristic length scales. The reaction-diffusion models well...
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The objective of this work is to evaluate the biomechanical effects of footwear on steady state walking of a user. An initial subjective preference of the footwear was identified which was validated biomechanically in relation to the kinetic parameters of gait. The subject underwent 3D gait...
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This article describes a Group (VI) modified Co-Zr-B amorphous nano alloys were prepared in situ ultrasound-assisted reduction by sodium borohydride in an aqueous solution. Co-Cr-Zr-B, Co-Mo-Zr-B and Co-W-Zr-B powders were characterized by XRD, FESEM, BET and ICP techniques. No distinct peak...
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This is a seminar based on research literature. Papers covered are selected to illustrate important problems and approaches in the field of computational and systems biology, and provide students a framework from which to evaluate new developments. The MIT Initiative in Computational and Systems...
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Current driven by electron Bernstein waves (EBW) and by the electron bootstrap effect are calculated separately and concurrently with a kinetic code, to determine the degree of synergy between them. A target {beta} = 40% NSTX plasma is examined. A simple bootstrap model in the CQL3D...
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situations where the assumptions invoked to obtain the usual first and second order kinetics do not apply. First order kinetics … exhibiting first order kinetics. 6 figures, 1 table. …
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