Showing 21 - 30 of 16,892
Knowledge flows from universities to the regional economy can take different forms ranging from formal research collaborations to consultancy and informal personal connections. One of the knowledge communication channels drawing substantial interest of both researchers and regional policy makers...
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Die Neugründung und der Ausbau von Hochschulen gehören zu dem gängigen Instrumenten der regionalen Strukturpolitik. Welche Auswirkungen aber hat die Existenz einer Hochschule in ökonomischer Hinsicht tatsächlich für eine Region? Das vorliegende Paper analysiert und vergleicht die...
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This paper focuses on the Central-European (so called "centrope") region. This region was created by a co-operation project 10 years ago, and also functions today including Vienna and other Austrian provinces such as Lower Austria and Burgenland, the region of South-Moravia in the Czech...
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Nowadays the realization that certain economic units, universities or other objects have impact on the economy of their region comes more and more into prominence. A growing demand appears to generate more precise studies regarding the quantification of economic impact of these entities. The...
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Hungarian Abstract: Napjainkban egy egyetem jelenléte számos dimenzió mentén hozzáadott értéket teremt abban a térségben, ahol működik, és egyre inkább előtérbe kerül az a felismerés, hogy helyi gazdaságfejlesztésre gyakorolt hatása számottevő. Ez a jelenség egyre nagyobb...
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Whether, and how much, increased commute costs decrease labor supply is important for transport policy, city growth, and business strategies. Yet empirical estimates are limited and biased downward due to endogenous choices of residences, workplaces, commute modes, and wages. Using the...
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Hungarian Abstract: A világunkban jelenleg globális szintű átalakulási folyamat zajlik. Digitális technológiák formálják nemcsak a legkülönfélébb iparágakat, hanem az emberi lét szinte minden aspektusát. A digitális eszközök és megoldások olyan területekre is...
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Many Hungarian and foreign professionals are concerned with the issues regarding cross-border regions. Nowadays it is important to discuss this topic, as the European integration and globalisation extends the opportunities of cooperation between different states. As a matter of fact, the...
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Nowadays the digitalization of all aspects of our lives is becoming more and more general. This pattern is also true in case of modern institutions of higher education. In case of the operation of universities, we can identify a shift towards a growingly increasing approach, which is proactive...
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Nowadays the competitiveness of regions is affected and altered by globalization and other background processes that serve as arrangers of regional structure and for this reason they deserve attention. In the global competition, immaterial assets like knowledge or social capital become key...
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