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connected in a social or geographical network. As the virus spreads in the network, the structure of interactions between people … simulations the dynamic properties of the co-evolutionary process dynamically linking disease diffusion and network properties … the properties of initial interaction structures. Indeed, the co-evolution of network structures and compartment shares …
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We develop a network model whose links are governed by banks' optmizing decisions and by an endogenous tâtonnement … evolution of the network configuration under various prudential policy regimes, to measure banks' contribution to systemic risk …
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Directed links in cash flow networks affect the cross-section of price exposures and market prices of risk in equilibrium. In an asset pricing model featuring mutually exciting jumps, we measure directedness through an asset's shock propagation capacity (spc). In the model, we prove: (i) Cash...
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multiplex network who deal with coordination issues using social learning and payoff-driven dynamics. Agents form their …
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neighbors in the network to form exclusive long-term partnerships that guarantee reciprocal favor exchange. Refusing to provide … in every network. Equilibrium behavior is determined by the classification of nodes in the Gallai-Edmonds decomposition … of the underlying network. …
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This paper provides an empirical network analysis of the Argentine interbank money market, commonly known as call … theory, focusing on the unsecured overnight loans settled from 2003 to 2017. The network, where banks are the nodes and the … random network of equal size. Both indicators show values in line with those reported for other interbank networks around the …
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Directed links in cash flow networks affect the cross-section of risk premia through three channels. In a tractable consumption-based equilibrium asset pricing model, we obtain closed-form solutions that disentangle these channels for arbitrary directed networks. First, shocks that can propagate...
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placing its data on others’ storage devices, given the prevailing data loss rate in the network. The cost function of an agent … captures the cost that the agent incurs to maintain links in the network. With this utility function, we analyze what network … exists a pairwise stable network, which is also efficient. We show that all pairwise stable networks are efficient, and hence …
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We develop a methodology for proving central limit theorems in network models with strategic interactions and … homophilous agents. We consider an asymptotic framework in which the size of the network tends to infinity, which is useful for … inference in the typical setting in which the sample consists of a single large network. In the presence of strategic …
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agents are myopic best responders. We develop a new network measure, the contagion threshold, that determines when a p … show that a p-dominant action spreads to the whole network whenever the contagion threshold of that network is greater or … the long run. This result implies that targeted contagion, a network-wide diffusion of actions initiated by targeting …
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